paulmillr / noble-curves

Audited & minimal JS implementation of elliptic curve cryptography.
MIT License
700 stars 65 forks source link

Ideas for v2 #142

Open paulmillr opened 5 months ago

paulmillr commented 5 months ago
holgerd77 commented 5 months ago

We are currently looking into replacing our rustbn-wasm build with this library for the bn254 (bn128) ADD, MUL, PAIRING precompiles from EIP-196 and EIP-197, so I agree that adding support for "bn254 g2, bn254 pairing" would be great idea! (respectively pretty valuable to us)

holgerd77 commented 5 months ago

(side question: do you think we could use Noble for the BLS precompiles (so ?)

paulmillr commented 5 months ago

Yes, bls precompiles are ok.

bn254 will need to be added

paulmillr commented 5 months ago

@holgerd77 the performance would be decreased compared to wasm. For example, bls12 does 100 pairings/sec on fast mac. For comparison, ETH can do 4000 signatures/sec on the same cpu. Your current rustbn wasm solution is likely several times faster.

How constrained are you in terms of performance?

holgerd77 commented 5 months ago


For BLS I've compiled down the following list of potential function mappings, if you have something to add:

mcl.add -> bls12_381.fields.Fp.add
mcl.mul -> bls12_381.fields.Fp.mul
mcl.mulVec -> ? (bls12_381.fields.Fp.mulN ?)
mcl.millerLoop -> bls12_381.millerLoop
mcl.finalExp -> ?
mcl.G1/G2  -> bls12_381.G1/G2
mcl.Fp(2) -> bls12_381.fields.Fp (2)
mcl.verifyOrderG1/G2 -> bls12_381.G1.isWithinCurveOrder

We will go our "classic" route here, and provide the JS implementation as default and then let people opt-in (dependency-inect) WASM if they want to.

Actually with the pairing and if we could replace bn254 we would be completely "WASM free" for the EVM which would be a pretty big deal! 🤩

paulmillr commented 5 months ago

I will make it a priority then.

holgerd77 commented 5 months ago

Great to hear (if you need financial support for this let me know)! 🙏 🤩

paulmillr commented 4 months ago

bn254 pairings have been added.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Ok, I am on it, see above PR!

Have now created a new build here . When building our EVM code I am getting two BLS related errors now, not sure if something to fix on your or on our side, will look into it:

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Update: think this is just because of conflicting noble versions (now having noble from my branch + noble from ethereum-cryptography in). Can solve this with any annotation and remove later.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

toHex() on the point seems not implemented (throws with "not implemeneted")

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Same with toRawBytes()

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Ok, first Noble usage for multiplication seems to be (at least partially) working 🙂.

Replaced the rustbn.js WASM code and this locally passes some ec_mul tests (ecmul_7827-6598_9_21000_128) from the official ethereum/tests test suite.

paulmillr commented 3 months ago

seems not implemented

Reason: there is no standard, everyone does different things. I will look at what you're doing here and maybe make tohex the same.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

In between state: I have now got multiplication and addition working. This should be tested enough, there are 100s (~1000 or so?) tests in the official ethereum/tests which all pass now. Will now move over to pairing.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Hi Paul, I am currently trying to create a valid G2 point, which is not working yet. Can you have a look at the following code, guess you will spot quickly what is wrong?

import { hexToBytes } from '@ethereumjs/util'
import { bn254 } from '@noble/curves/bn254'

// From ecpairing_two_point_match_1 test
/* const input =
  '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' */

const inputG2 =

const inputG2Bytes = hexToBytes(inputG2)

const pFP1 = bn254.fields.Fp2.fromBytes(inputG2Bytes.slice(0, 64))
const pFP2 = bn254.fields.Fp2.fromBytes(inputG2Bytes.slice(64, 128))

const pG2 = bn254.G2.ProjectivePoint.fromAffine({
  x: pFP1,
  y: pFP2,

So this is the test input from one of the tests, input is the full input passed to the precompile and inputG2 the part I am using for G2 (obviously contained in input).

I am trying to get a positive assertValidity() check. Atm it is always throwing there.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Ok, I think I've found the respective code parts in your tests, will try to take it from there.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Ok, all official tests passing (I basically did the same as you did in your EVM setup just not in elegant 😂).

Think this should be enough for a release, at least from my side! So the test suite from ethereum/tests should really be complete, since the EIPs are out for years.

The only thing which irritated me mildy is that I had to flip the elements for the G2 point creation, see:

Not sure if this is an inconsistency in your library or in the EIP or otherwise has some reason I do not understand. If this is something to be adjusted on your side you can simply do along release I guess without another testing round.

Again, thanks a lot for all the work on this as well as this thorough EVM-specific test setup! 🙏 🎉

paulmillr commented 3 months ago

It's the same issue as in with toHex: there is no standard for this. Someone can serialize imaginary part of the complex number (G2) first, someone does the opposite.

For comparison, BLS was specced with hash-to-curve, so it's much better.

I will see what can be improved for your cases and prepare new release today/tomorrow.

paulmillr commented 3 months ago

There would be no serialization by default for now. Reasoning:

EVM picked: BE, no-flag, imag-first. Which is not compatible with something like ZEC and less feature-full. For example, no one else does BE.

I will add it to the readme. The community can then figure out the optional path of moving forward.

paulmillr commented 3 months ago

1.5.0 is out.

Do you need a new release of eth-cryptography today? 1.5.0 can be used as-is, but will be duplicated in your dep tree for a few weeks.

After the audit, I will include bn254 into eth-cryptography (all packages there are audited).

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Cool, will test! 🤩

Not including yet into eth-cryptography might counterbalance some of our tree shaking efforts for the moment (not fully sure), since we then might get double code parts from the different versions in.

Guess nevertheless makes sense (not to include yet). So, as you said, audit is not so far away, right?

paulmillr commented 3 months ago

Audit is this month. So even if you do major releases today, you can do x.y.1 patch to improve tree-shaking later this month.

holgerd77 commented 3 months ago

Ah, that’s great, no no, we are still a month away from releases

legobeat commented 3 months ago

In preparation for incorporation into ethereum-cryptograhy:

alexandrius commented 2 months ago

@paulmillr Do you think this library will be able to be compiled with Static Hermes?

paulmillr commented 2 months ago

I’m not sure what are the constraints. AFAIK, many people use it with react native.

alexandrius commented 2 months ago

I’m not sure what are the constraints

Sound types

AFAIK, many people use it with react native.

Static Hermes isn't released yet. Static Hermes compiles JS to native instructions ahead of time.

Here is some context:

Basically noble will be THE fastest cryptography library on React Native without native code

paulmillr commented 2 months ago

What's "sound types" and how does one detect which types are unsound? Is there automatic tool?

holgerd77 commented 2 months ago

alexandrius commented 2 months ago


What's "sound types" and how does one detect which types are unsound? Is there automatic tool?

Essentially if you have type number annotation on a variable in JS runtime it can become undefined or string or whatever. Instead of silently failing or basically continuing to work Static Hermes will throw just like in any strongly typed language. So if the noble depends on JS looseness it must be refactored.

paulmillr commented 2 months ago

I'm open to a speed up, but there should be some simple tool to check all files for "sound type" errors.

alexandrius commented 2 months ago

@paulmillr that's a good point. I assume there will be something like that. I'm gonna try to find out

alexandrius commented 2 months ago

@paulmillr Ok I went ahead and tried to compile . I chose secp256k1 because I'm already familiar with the lib.

Here are steps to try it out:

Step 1: Clone Hermes and checkout to static_h

mkdir hermes_build
cd hermes_build
git clone

Step 2: Build Hermes

_Taken from:

cmake -S hermes -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build ./build

To build release:

cmake -S hermes -B build_release -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./build_release

Step 3: Run the index.js with Hermes

The --typed instruction will try to compile the file. That's essentially how you verify if you have sound or unsound types. More info about that

I got bunch 13 errors after removing the `export` instruction. Click to expand ``` ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:516:1: error: 'export' statement requires module mode export { getPublicKey, sign, signAsync, verify, CURVE, // Remove the export to easily use in REPL ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:517:39: warning: the variable "ProjectivePoint" was not declared in anonymous function getSharedSecret, etc, utils, Point as ProjectivePoint, Signature }; // envs like browser console ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emitted 1 errors. exiting. ➜ hermes_build build/bin/shermes --typed -exec ../noble-secp256k1/index.js ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:9:20: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const crv = (x) => mod(mod(x * x) * x + CURVE.b); // x³ + ax + b weierstrass formula; a=0 ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:9:24: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const crv = (x) => mod(mod(x * x) * x + CURVE.b); // x³ + ax + b weierstrass formula; a=0 ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:10:14: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const err = (m = '') => { throw new Error(m); }; // error helper, messes-up stack trace ^~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:21:39: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const toU8 = (a, len) => au8(str(a) ? h2b(a) : u8n(au8(a)), len); // norm(hex/u8a) to u8a ^~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:22:17: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const mod = (a, b = P) => { let r = a % b; return r >= 0n ? r : b + r; }; // mod division ^~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:22:41: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const mod = (a, b = P) => { let r = a % b; return r >= 0n ? r : b + r; }; // mod division ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:22:65: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const mod = (a, b = P) => { let r = a % b; return r >= 0n ? r : b + r; }; // mod division ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:30:5: error: ft: static/async/generator methods unsupported static fromAffine(p) { ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:33:5: error: ft: static/async/generator methods unsupported static fromHex(hex) { ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:52:5: error: ft: static/async/generator methods unsupported static fromPrivateKey(k) { return G.mul(toPriv(k)); } // Create point from a private key. ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:109:12: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed mul(n, safe = true) { ^~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:149:11: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed toHex(isCompressed = true) { ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:154:16: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed toRawBytes(isCompressed = true) { ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:160:7: warning: ft: typing of object declarators not implemented, :any assumed const { BASE: G, ZERO: I } = Point; // Generator, identity points ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:178:27: error: ft: incompatible binary operation: + cannot be applied to string and union const b2n = (b) => BigInt('0x' + (b2h(b) || '0')); // bytes to number ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:184:18: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const concatB = (...arrs) => { ^~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:185:19: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const r = u8n(arrs.reduce((sum, a) => sum + au8(a).length, 0)); // create u8a of summed length ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:187:5: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' arrs.forEach(a => { r.set(a, pad); pad += a.length; }); // ensure they have proper type ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:190:19: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const inv = (num, md = P) => { ^~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:191:23: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (num === 0n || md <= 0n) ^~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:192:47: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' err('no inverse n=' + num + ' mod=' + md); // no neg exponent for now ^~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:193:22: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let a = mod(num, md), b = md, x = 0n, y = 1n, u = 1n, v = 0n; ^~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:193:31: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let a = mod(num, md), b = md, x = 0n, y = 1n, u = 1n, v = 0n; ^~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:199:30: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return b === 1n ? mod(x, md) : err('no inverse'); // b is gcd at this point ^~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:216:32: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const getPublicKey = (privKey, isCompressed = true) => { ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:217:18: error: ft: named property access only allowed on objects, found class constructor return Point.fromPrivateKey(privKey).toRawBytes(isCompressed); // 33b or 65b output ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:217:53: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return Point.fromPrivateKey(privKey).toRawBytes(isCompressed); // 33b or 65b output ^~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:226:5: error: ft: static/async/generator methods unsupported static fromCompact(hex) { ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:270:30: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const prepSig = (msgh, priv, opts = optS) => { ^~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:271:43: error: ft: unknown array property if (['der', 'recovered', 'canonical'].some(k => k in opts)) // Ban legacy options ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:271:58: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (['der', 'recovered', 'canonical'].some(k => k in opts)) // Ban legacy options ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:273:9: warning: ft: typing of object declarators not implemented, :any assumed let { lowS } = opts; // generates low-s sigs by default ^~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:273:20: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let { lowS } = opts; // generates low-s sigs by default ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:274:9: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (lowS == null) ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:275:9: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' lowS = true; // RFC6979 3.2: we skip step A ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:280:15: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let ent = opts.extraEntropy; // RFC6979 3.6: additional k' (optional) ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:283:19: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' ent = etc.randomBytes(fLen); // if true, use CSPRNG to generate data ^~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:295:19: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const q = G.mul(k).aff(); // q = Gk ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:304:13: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (lowS && moreThanHalfN(s)) { // if lowS was passed, ensure s is always ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:377:38: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const signAsync = async (msgh, priv, opts = optS) => { ^~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:378:11: warning: ft: typing of object declarators not implemented, :any assumed const { seed, k2sig } = prepSig(msgh, priv, opts); // Extract arguments for hmac-drbg ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:378:49: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const { seed, k2sig } = prepSig(msgh, priv, opts); // Extract arguments for hmac-drbg ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:379:27: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return hmacDrbg(true)(seed, k2sig); // Re-run drbg until k2sig returns ok ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:379:33: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return hmacDrbg(true)(seed, k2sig); // Re-run drbg until k2sig returns ok ^~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:381:27: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const sign = (msgh, priv, opts = optS) => { ^~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:382:11: warning: ft: typing of object declarators not implemented, :any assumed const { seed, k2sig } = prepSig(msgh, priv, opts); // Extract arguments for hmac-drbg ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:382:49: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const { seed, k2sig } = prepSig(msgh, priv, opts); // Extract arguments for hmac-drbg ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:383:28: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return hmacDrbg(false)(seed, k2sig); // Re-run drbg until k2sig returns ok ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:383:34: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return hmacDrbg(false)(seed, k2sig); // Re-run drbg until k2sig returns ok ^~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:385:33: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const verify = (sig, msgh, pub, opts = optV) => { ^~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:386:9: warning: ft: typing of object declarators not implemented, :any assumed let { lowS } = opts; // ECDSA signature verification ^~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:386:20: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let { lowS } = opts; // ECDSA signature verification ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:387:9: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (lowS == null) ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:388:9: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' lowS = true; // Default lowS=true ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:389:21: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if ('strict' in opts) ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:396:21: error: ft: class Signature constructor expects 3 arguments, but 2 supplied sig_ = rs ? new Signature(sig.r, sig.s).assertValidity() : Signature.fromCompact(sig); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:396:78: error: ft: named property access only allowed on objects, found class constructor sig_ = rs ? new Signature(sig.r, sig.s).assertValidity() : Signature.fromCompact(sig); ^~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:398:53: error: ft: named property access only allowed on objects, found class constructor P = pub instanceof Point ? pub.ok() : Point.fromHex(pub); // Validate public key ^~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:405:11: warning: ft: typing of object declarators not implemented, :any assumed const { r, s } = sig_; ^~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:406:9: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (lowS && moreThanHalfN(s)) ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:406:31: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' if (lowS && moreThanHalfN(s)) ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:410:24: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const is = inv(s, N); // s^-1 ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:412:24: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' const u2 = mod(r * is, N); // u2 = rs^-1 mod n ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:413:13: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' R = G.mulAddQUns(P, u1, u2).aff(); // R = u1⋅G + u2⋅P ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:421:18: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return v === r; // mod(R.x, n) == r ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:423:39: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed const getSharedSecret = (privA, pubB, isCompressed = true) => { ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:424:18: error: ft: named property access only allowed on objects, found class constructor return Point.fromHex(pubB).mul(toPriv(privA)).toRawBytes(isCompressed); // ECDH ^~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:424:62: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return Point.fromHex(pubB).mul(toPriv(privA)).toRawBytes(isCompressed); // ECDH ^~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:438:34: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed hmacSha256Async: async (key, ...msgs) => { ^~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:444:55: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return u8n(await s.sign('HMAC', k, concatB(...msgs))); ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:448:19: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed randomBytes: (len = 32) => { ^~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:452:43: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' return crypto.getRandomValues(u8n(len)); ^~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:464:5: warning: ft: unsupported property for typed object, assuming 'any' precompute(w = 8, p = G) { p.multiply(3n); w; return p; }, // no-op ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:464:16: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed precompute(w = 8, p = G) { p.multiply(3n); w; return p; }, // no-op ^~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:464:23: warning: ft: typing of pattern parameters not implemented, :any assumed precompute(w = 8, p = G) { p.multiply(3n); w; return p; }, // no-op ^~~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:464:32: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' precompute(w = 8, p = G) { p.multiply(3n); w; return p; }, // no-op ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:464:48: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' precompute(w = 8, p = G) { p.multiply(3n); w; return p; }, // no-op ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:464:58: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' precompute(w = 8, p = G) { p.multiply(3n); w; return p; }, // no-op ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:472:20: warning: ft: empty array with no context, assuming 'any' array const points = []; // 10x sign(), 2x verify(). To achieve this, ^~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:474:13: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let p = G, b = p; // a lot of points related to base point G. ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:491:13: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let p = I, f = G; // f must be G, or could become I in the end ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:491:20: warning: local variable may be used prior to declaration, assuming 'any' let p = I, f = G; // f must be G, or could become I in the end ^ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:508:38: error: ft: indexed access only allowed on array and tuple, found void f = f.add(neg(cnd1, comp[off1])); // bits are 0: add garbage to fake point ^~~~ ../noble-secp256k1/index.js:511:38: error: ft: indexed access only allowed on array and tuple, found void p = p.add(neg(cnd2, comp[off2])); // bits are 1: add to result point ^~~~ Emitted 13 errors. exiting. ```
alexandrius commented 1 week ago

@paulmillr have you had a chance to check static hermes out?

paulmillr commented 1 week ago

@alexandrius the build commands do not produce any shermes file and with hermes --static flag does not work

alexandrius commented 1 week ago

@paulmillr did you checkout to static_h branch? I missed the part in the command

paulmillr commented 1 week ago

I have removed all initial errors (see but then compiler emitted 20 more errors.

Seems like it's unreasonably complex for now.

There are no docs or guidelines or example how to fix stuff. For example I have property s not defined in class Signature - but it's clearly specified in constructor. ETc.

paulmillr commented 1 week ago

I've wrote a bunch of formulas to fit everything in 100 lines. Even this code doesn't work and is constantly segfaulting.