paulmillr / readdirp

Recursive version of fs.readdir with streaming api.
MIT License
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Excluding Filter not working for recursive directory #1

Closed nick-jonas closed 11 years ago

nick-jonas commented 11 years ago

With the following filter:

!.assemble_config, !.svn, !.git, !.DS_Store, !thumbs.db, !.sass-cache

The files within the .sass-cache folder are still getting read in:

sass/.sass-cache/f83244f75401c5c54214ac1ea0576281d46e48b6/_images.scssc sass/.sass-cache/f83244f75401c5c54214ac1ea0576281d46e48b6/_shared.scssc sass/.sass-cache/f83244f75401c5c54214ac1ea0576281d46e48b6/_opacity.scssc sass/.sass-cache/f83244f75401c5c54214ac1ea0576281d46e48b6/_text-shadow.scssc sass/.sass-cache/f83244f75401c5c54214ac1ea0576281d46e48b6/_transform.scssc sass/.sass-cache/f83244f75401c5c54214ac1ea0576281d46e48b6/_transition.scssc sass/.sass-cache/ecabf3aa2225c27adc86b9ecf19429105699b9f8/_sprites.scssc sass/.sass-cache/ff92cd3b06900c7c8e7ac5f21950030e881d2f60/_support.scssc

nick-jonas commented 11 years ago

Would also be cool if a file (like .gitignore or .npmignore) can be provided in place of the glob/array...

thlorenz commented 11 years ago

Could you please provide some sample code or ideally a failing test? Thanks.

BTW, I assume you are passing in an array as in: [ '!.assemble_config', '!.svn', '!.git', '!.DS_Store', '!thumbs.db', '!.sass-cache' ]

Otherwise it is not a valid filter.

thlorenz commented 11 years ago

In regards to a .gitignore like feature, I'm happy to take a pull request if you get it in. Also if you get lots of people to up vote your request, I'll try to find some time to do it myself.

nick-jonas commented 11 years ago

Here is a test case I made for this:

Just run node main.js, and you'll notice via console.log that all the files within .sass-cache are read.

Sidenote: Is there a way to attach files (other than images) to GitHub issues yet? Is this the best way of going about this?

And if I have the time I'll sit down and do the .gitignore-like feature as soon as I can...

thlorenz commented 11 years ago

You were setting fileFilter for files and directories instead of using directoryFilter for directories.

Change main to:

#!/usr/bin/env node

var readdirp = require('readdirp'),
    path = require('path');

    root: path.join(__dirname, '/files'),
    fileFilter: [ '!.assembleconfig', '!.DS_Store', '!thumbs.db' ],
    directoryFilter: [ '!.svn', '!.git', '!.sass-cache' ]
}).on('data', function(entry){

and it works as planned.

Also next time please post an example on github instead of a zip file and try to make it as simple as possible, i.e. include the least amount of files/code needed to expose the problem.

When implementing the .gitignore feature please ensure it follows the readdirp coding style and is well tested, otherwise I won't be able to accept the pull request.

In the meantime, closing this, since it is not a bug, but rather misunderstanding of the API.


Roms1383 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to use the library with version 3.0.1 and I'm getting the same inconsistency :

test case

Trying to get all the JS files excluding .git and node_modules folders.


const chalk = require('chalk')
const readdirp = require('readdirp')
const { promise } = readdirp
const options = { directoryFilter: ['!.git', '!node_modules'] }
const streamed = async () => new Promise((resolve) => {
  const entries = []
  readdirp('.', options)
  .on('data', entry => { entries.push(entry) })
  .on('end', () => resolve(entries))
const promised = async () => promise('.', options)
const map = ({ path }) => path
const test = async () => {
  console.log('from stream'))
  const s = await streamed()
  console.log(, null, 2)))
  console.log(chalk.cyan('from promise'))
  const p = await promised()
  console.log(chalk.cyan(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)))


(I removed parts of the output as it's too big)

from stream
from promise

Could you point out my mistake ?