pauln / moodle-report_componentgrades

Excel spreadsheet export tool for individual component grades in Marking Guides and Rubrics.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Export process doesn't correctly handle multiple attempts #7

Open rolandsherwood opened 5 years ago

rolandsherwood commented 5 years ago

Hi. When exporting grades in an Assignment activity where a student has multiple, separate graded attempts (made possible via configuration of the relevant settings under the activity's Edit settings > Submission settings area), the grades associated with both attempts are entered into the spreadsheet - but in a way that makes the resulting exported data appear inaccurate as a result of grades associated with the second attempt being placed into the wrong columns:

screen shot 2018-12-26 at 13 30 58

Preferably, the only grades that would be exported to the spreadsheet under these circumstances would be those associated with the second or latest attempt.

marcusgreen commented 5 years ago

Hi Roland Many thanks for your feedback. I can understand why you would want only the latest attempt to show, but I am curious why you mention wanting the second attempt to show. Is it that generally students don't make more than two attempts? It is probably going to be easiest to limit it to the most recent attempt.

Which grading scheme do you use mainly, as if I work on a fix I will start on that so you can test it before I work on the others. Each grading scheme involves different SQL statements, although of course they are closely related.

rolandsherwood commented 5 years ago

Hi Marcus. Many thanks for the quick follow-up re. this issue, and apologies for any confusion caused by my above post. In terms of the grades that do get exported to the spreadsheet, I was actually thinking the same as yourself i.e. only the grades associated with the latest attempt should be included (sorry, I think I muddied the waters as a result of the particular scenario illustrated in the screenshot - which involved 2 attempts - being uppermost in my mind when I wrote my post).

Many thanks again for looking into this for us, and if I can help with testing in any way please do let me know.

carcavic commented 5 years ago

Hi. I use your useful plugin to export grades because I applied the rubric grids to a corporate environment. In other words I proposed to a company network to fill in a rubric in order to evaluate the performances of a group of sellers. In this case I need to evaluate many times the same performance after a period of time and the evaluator could not be the same, it could change. Actually the export data shows the last evaluator only: does could be possible to export the evaluator fo each attempt? I attached a sample file to show the type of data I use. Thank you so much Export example modified.xlsx

marcusgreen commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. Can you email me directly at marcusgreen at This will be easier to analyse if I have access to a course with assignments matching your requirements. This could probably be done either through a backup (*.mbz) or a teacher login to a course. I am not sure when I am going to have time to work on it but it is on my list of things to address.

bradleyn1 commented 4 years ago


Carcavic seems to have touched on something that I was wondering about the plugin too. Firstly, this is a great plugin for what I'm after in my org. However, I wonder if it can be setup for multiple attempts i.e. when the grade/feedback is amended for a second time while it's 'under review' (for example), then if there's any changes, making it moves underneath the row; most probably with another name under 'graded by', currently it overwrites the previous grading information/feedback.

Thank you

marcusgreen commented 4 years ago

Hi Bradley I spent about 2 days working on a way of handling multiple attempts and although I made some progress I decided it was going to take too much time to complete. Sorry about that.

A good solution would require a modification of this query, which as you can see is somewhat complex.

$data = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT AS grfid, crs.shortname AS course, AS assignment, AS rubric, grc.description, grl.definition, grl.score, grf.remark, grf.criterionid, rubm.username AS grader, AS userid, stu.idnumber AS idnumber, stu.firstname, stu.lastname, stu.username AS student, gin.timemodified AS modified FROM {course} crs JOIN {course_modules} cm ON = cm.course JOIN {assign} asg ON = cm.instance JOIN {context} c ON = c.instanceid JOIN {grading_areas} ga ON JOIN {grading_definitions} gd ON = gd.areaid JOIN {gradingform_rubric_criteria} grc ON (grc.definitionid = JOIN {gradingform_rubric_levels} grl ON (grl.criterionid = JOIN {grading_instances} gin ON gin.definitionid = JOIN {assign_grades} ag ON = gin.itemid JOIN {user} stu ON = ag.userid JOIN {user} rubm ON = gin.raterid JOIN {gradingform_rubric_fillings} grf ON (grf.instanceid = AND (grf.criterionid = AND (grf.levelid = WHERE = ? AND gin.status = 1 ORDER BY lastname ASC, firstname ASC, userid ASC, grc.sortorder ASC, grc.description ASC", array($cm->id));

bradleyn1 commented 4 years ago

Appreciate the quick response, no problem. We have suggested that we just export the grades prior to the other person marking, which will be fine; better than what we're doing now anyway. Unfortunately the latter part of your reply goes over my head so we'll leave it there! 👍 Thank you

aspark21 commented 3 years ago

@marcusgreen was this part of the blind_mark branch?

I don't think it was. Definitely was part of the Titus POs but my latest chasing of Mike on this has been met with radio silence