paulobarcelos / ofxMacamPs3Eye

Fully featured and easy to use OpenFrameworks addon for using the PS3Eye camera on a Mac.
59 stars 17 forks source link

Mavericks, of008, cannot set camera to 320x240 #10

Open chrisallick opened 10 years ago

chrisallick commented 10 years ago

I want to connect multiple cameras and im assuming i'll want a smaller resolution to conserve usb bandwidth, but i cannot use the ps3 eye camera on osx 10.9 at anything other than 640x480

camWidth = 640;
camHeight = 480;


chrisallick commented 10 years ago

just a follow up. the code works perfectly when addressing two ps3 eye cameras with 640x480.

for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.size(); i++) {
    ofxMacamPs3Eye * camera = new ofxMacamPs3Eye();
    camera->initGrabber(640, 480);

if(cameras.size() > 0){
    ofSetWindowShape(640 * cameras.size(), 480);
morningjools commented 10 years ago

Hello Chris. I'm currently having trouble setting a PS3 eye camera with my Mavericks Macbook. The driver isn't working properly, so I was wondering if I could borrow yours. It's for a school project in MaxMSP. Please let me know if that's ok. Thank you!

chrisallick commented 10 years ago

borrow what? camera? laptop?