paulpflug / color-tabs

Adds colors to tabs..
MIT License
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Broder style not working properly #12

Closed mbrammer closed 9 years ago

mbrammer commented 9 years ago

Broder style only works when background style != none.

Atom 1.0.0-1.0.2 color-tabs 0.1.7

mbrammer commented 9 years ago

Noticed that the border is only working when tab is active.

paulpflug commented 9 years ago

Which theme are you using? Can you provide a Screenshot of the tab?

Am 9. Juli 2015 09:48:28 schrieb Mischa Brammer

Noticed that the border is only working wen tab is active.

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mbrammer commented 9 years ago

I'm using the default theme which was set after installation. bildschirmfoto 2015-07-09 um 10 39 23

Tabs with gradient: bildschirmfoto 2015-07-09 um 10 39 59

Tabs without gradient (only active tab has visible border): bildschirmfoto 2015-07-09 um 10 40 25

averrin commented 9 years ago

Yeah, with One Dark tab had "border-bottom", but its invisible 0_o

averrin commented 9 years ago

one-dark-ui add css property border-image, which overwrite border-bottom color.

mbrammer commented 9 years ago

Thank you :+1:

paulpflug commented 9 years ago

published in 0.1.8 Thanks for reporting @mbrammer and for fixing @averrin