The table captions appear at the bottom of tables, while they should appear on top. This is particularly helpful for longer tables as it saves the user from having to scroll down to understand what the table is all about.
[x] For the HTML output this can be fixed by including the caption-side: top CSS rule. Do you think there is a way to apply it only to tables and not figures?
[x] For LaTeX output (#38), this is already the default.
Thanks! However, this seems to create an issue with the search table functionality: When entering and deleting a search-term the header is lost. You can test it here
The table captions appear at the bottom of tables, while they should appear on top. This is particularly helpful for longer tables as it saves the user from having to scroll down to understand what the table is all about.
caption-side: top
CSS rule. Do you think there is a way to apply it only to tables and not figures?