paulrosen / abcjs

javascript for rendering abc music notation
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clef change in grand staff does not persist to subsequent lines #1041

Open AGBrown opened 2 months ago

AGBrown commented 2 months ago



As the title says, if you change clef in the following abc, then it does not persist on subsequent lines:

(expand for test abc).

``` %abc-2.1 X:0 T:Clef change test %%barnumbers 1 %%measurenb 0 %%score {R|L} %%stretchlast 1 Q:"Misterioso" 1/4=80 M:2/4 L:1/4 V:R clef=treble V:L clef=bass K:Gmaj [V:R] x x/ G/ | G2 | G2 | G2 | [V:L] x x/ z/ | C2 | C2 | C2 | % %%vskip 40 [V:R] G2 | G2 | G2 | G2 | [V:L] C2 | C2 | C2 | [K:clef=treble] C2 | % %%vskip 40 [V:R] G2 | G2 | G2 | G2 |] [V:L] C2 | C2 | C2 | C2 |] ```

Expected output

The clef change should persist on subsequent lines for the relevant stave.

(e.g. from abc2svg ):

(expand for example of expected rendered output).


Actual output:

The clef change does not persist for subsequent lines for the relevant stave.

(expand for actual output image).


As you can see, the treble clef is not persisted for the lower staff on the last line. There is also a difference in where the treble clef change is rendered, but I'm not sure this is important.

Other observations


T:Clef and key change test
%%barnumbers 1
%%measurenb 0
%%score {R|L}
%%stretchlast 1
Q:"Misterioso" 1/4=80
V:R clef=treble
V:L clef=bass
[V:R] x x/ G/ | G2 | G2 | G2 |
[V:L] x x/ z/ | C2 | C2 | C2 |
%%vskip 40
[V:R] G2 | G2 | G2 | [K:Dmaj] G2 |
[V:L] C2 | C2 | C2 | [K:Dmaj] [K:clef=treble] C2 |
%%vskip 40
[V:R] G2 | G2 | G2 | G2 |]
[V:L] C2 | C2 | C2 | C2 |]

(expand for rendered image).


paulrosen commented 2 months ago

Definitely a bug. Thanks for the report.