paulrosen / abcjs

javascript for rendering abc music notation
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Time signature change in grand staff causes rendering issue (using `%%score {R|L}`) #1043

Open AGBrown opened 3 months ago

AGBrown commented 3 months ago



If you add a time signature change at the start of both staves in a grand staff that is set up using %%score {R|L}, then it causes a rendering issue with that line of the staff.

(expand for test tune).

``` %abc-2.1 X:0 T:Time sig change test %%barnumbers 1 %%measurenb 0 %%score {R|L} %%stretchlast 1 Q:"Misterioso" 1/4=80 M:2/4 L:1/4 V:R clef=treble V:L clef=bass K:Gmaj [V:R] x x/ G/ | G2 | G2 | G2 | [V:L] x x/ z/ | C2 | C2 | C2 | % %%vskip 40 [V:R] [M:4/4] G4 | G4 | G4 | G4 | [V:L] [M:4/4] C4 | C4 | C4 | C4 | % %%vskip 40 [V:R] G4 | G4 | G4 | G4 |] [V:L] C4 | C4 | C4 | C4 |] ```

Expected output

The grand staff should be rendered normally.

(e.g. from abc2svg ):

(expand for image of expected output).


Actual output

The grand staff rendering fails on the line with the time signature change at the start

(expand for image of actual output).


Other notes

§ 7.3 of abc v2.1 standard:

To avoid ambiguity, inline fields that specify music properties should be repeated in every voice to which they apply.


[V:1] C4|[M:3/4]CEG|Gce|
[V:2] E4|[M:3/4]G3 |E3 |
paulrosen commented 2 months ago

Definitely a bug. Thanks for the report.