paulrosen / abcjs

javascript for rendering abc music notation
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Automated Tests #832

Open alensiljak opened 1 year ago

alensiljak commented 1 year ago

There are tools that compare the visual output as a means of testing. I am wondering if this would be useful for abcjs. Then all the regression cases could be documented as testing cases.

I have a list of frameworks but have not tried any of these recently. I would be interested to take a look and report findings if that would be helpful.

alensiljak commented 1 year ago

I've recently been trying out Playwright and see that it also has a visual comparison feature. That would be my suggestion.

alensiljak commented 1 year ago

It would probably be a good idea to have a web server with the pages in order for any test runner to access.

The test pages can be used elsewhere as the documentation, too (or vice-versa).