paulrosenzweig / hipstersnake

Multiplayer snake in go.
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Alternative colour presets for the colourblind? #6

Open JobLeonard opened 11 years ago

JobLeonard commented 11 years ago

I'm deuteranopic protanopic. I don't ragequit very often, but when I do, it's because I keep bumping into a wall within a second due to not knowing which snake is mine.

paulrosenzweig commented 11 years ago

Sorry about that. Knowing very little about colorblindness, what are some alternative colors that avoid confusion for most types of colorblindness?

JobLeonard commented 11 years ago

Hah, good question - I don't know! I never really think about the colours I choose - they're automatically the ones I can distinguish, after all.

Surprisingly, Google does not provide any "standard palettes" or anything, but I found these tools so you can simulate colourblindness for yourself:

Might be useful to have in general for any website you'll design later?

PS: Maybe I should have mentioned the ragequit was a tongue-in-cheek joke.

jcrigby commented 11 years ago