paulscherrerinstitute / StreamDevice

EPICS Driver for message based I/O
GNU General Public License v3.0
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stream is installing into $(TOP)/../lib rather than into $(TOP)/lib #59

Closed MarkRivers closed 3 years ago

MarkRivers commented 3 years ago

This problem is described in this tech-talk thread:

I am running stream 2.8.14. I am having a problem that when I build it, the files get installed into $(TOP)/../lib, not into $(TOP)/lib.

This is the git diff of my files and the ones in 2.8.14. I have only commented out streamApp in the top-level Makefile, and modified configure/RELEASE for new locations.

corvette:~/devel/stream>git diff -w -b 2.8.14
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4e56eec..1312552 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ else
DIRS += src
-DIRS += streamApp
+#DIRS += streamApp
streamApp_DEPEND_DIRS = src

diff --git a/configure/RELEASE b/configure/RELEASE
index 72efa75..5b80a63 100644
--- a/configure/RELEASE
+++ b/configure/RELEASE
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ TEMPLATE_TOP=$(EPICS_BASE)/templates/makeBaseApp/top

-include $(TOP)/../configure/SUPPORT.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH)

 # EPICS_BASE usually appears last so other apps can override stuff:

# These lines allow developers to override these RELEASE settings
# without having to modify this file directly.

I do a realclean realuninstall and do an ls in stream/ and in stream/../lib. There are no lib/ directories.

corvette:~/devel/stream>make -sj realclean realuninstall
If you are not using the PSI build environment, GNUmakefile can be removed.

GNUmakefile  LICENSE  LICENSE.LESSER  Makefile  config  configure  docs  src  streamApp

corvette:~/devel/stream>ls ../lib
ls: cannot access ../lib: No such file or directory

I then do the build. After the build there is no stream/lib directory, but there is a stream/../lib/linux-x86_64 directory containing the stream libraries.

corvette:~/devel/stream>make -sj
If you are not using the PSI build environment, GNUmakefile can be removed.
Creating ../O.Common/StreamVersion.h from git tag

GNUmakefile  LICENSE  LICENSE.LESSER  Makefile  config  configure  docs  src  streamApp

corvette:~/devel/stream>ls ../lib

corvette:~/devel/stream>ls ../lib/linux-x86_64/

If I search for INSTALL_LOCATION in stream/configure I don’t see the problem.

corvette:~/devel/stream/configure>grep INSTALL_LOCATION *
grep: O.Common: Is a directory
grep: O.linux-x86_64: Is a directory

Am I doing something wrong, or why does the distribution version of stream install into $(TOP)/..?

dirk-zimoch commented 3 years ago

This was more or less on purpose to be backward compatible to the time when Stream did not have its own top. If it finds ../configure, it uses that one and installs there. Itherwise it uses its own configure and installs into its own dir.

MarkRivers commented 3 years ago

This was more or less on purpose to be backward compatible to the time when Stream did not have its own top. If it finds ../configure, it uses that one and installs there. Itherwise it uses its own configure and installs into its own dir.

Many sites put stream under the top-level synApps directory, which does have a configure. stream is the only synApps module which installs into $(TOP)/../

I would like to change stream to behave like the other modules, so I don't have those directories in $(TOP)/../ that contain only stream files. What is causing it to behave differently from other synApps modules like asyn? I could not find anything in stream/configure that was doing that. How do I disable this behavior?

dirk-zimoch commented 3 years ago

Should be solved now in 2.8.16.