paulscherrerinstitute / pcaspy

Portable Channel Access Server in Python
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
32 stars 24 forks source link

Build with EPICS 7 (unbundled pcas) #57

Closed kasemir closed 5 years ago

kasemir commented 5 years ago

pcaspy expects to find cas and gdd in the EPICSBASE directory. With EPICS 7, pcas has been unbundled as So when building, you end with for example this directory layout:

# EPICS Base

# Unbundled PCAS with casdef.h, libcas.a, gdd


The original will fail to find the cas and gdd include and library files because it only checks for EPICSBASE:

$ python build
pcaspy/casdef_wrap.cpp:3565:20: fatal error: casdef.h: No such file or directory

One possible fix would be to not only require an EPICSBASE environment variable but also a new PCAS environment variable.

As a hack, below is a where I simply added the relative ../pcas-4.13.2/.. to the include and library paths to get it compiled on Linux.

#!/usr/bin/env python

""" file for pcaspy
import os
import platform
import imp
import shutil
import subprocess

# Use setuptools to include build_sphinx, upload/sphinx commands
    from setuptools import setup, Extension
    from distutils.core import setup, Extension

from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as _build_py

# build_py runs before build_ext so that swig generated module is not copied
# See
# This is a workaround to run build_ext ahead of build_py
class build_py(_build_py):
    def run(self):

# define EPICS base path and host arch
EPICSBASE = os.environ.get("EPICS_BASE")
    EPICSROOT = os.environ.get("EPICS")
        EPICSBASE = os.path.join(EPICSROOT, 'base')
    raise IOError("Please define EPICS_BASE environment variable")
if not os.path.exists(EPICSBASE):
    raise IOError("Please correct EPICS_BASE environment variable, "
                  "the path {0} does not exist".format(EPICSBASE))

HOSTARCH  = os.environ.get("EPICS_HOST_ARCH")
if not HOSTARCH:
    raise IOError("Please define EPICS_HOST_ARCH environment variable")

# check EPICS version
PRE315 = True
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'include', 'compiler')):
    PRE315 = False

# common libraries to link
libraries = ['cas', 'ca', 'gdd', 'Com']
if PRE315:
    libraries.insert(0, 'asIoc')
    libraries.insert(0, 'dbCore')
umacros = []
macros   = []
cflags = []
lflags = []
dlls = []
extra_objects = []
# platform dependent libraries and macros
UNAME = platform.system()
if  UNAME.find('CYGWIN') == 0:
    UNAME = "cygwin32"
    CMPL = 'gcc'
elif UNAME == 'Windows':
    UNAME = 'WIN32'
    # MSVC compiler
    static = False
    if HOSTARCH in ['win32-x86', 'windows-x64', 'win32-x86-debug', 'windows-x64-debug']:
        dlls = ['cas.dll', 'ca.dll', 'gdd.dll', 'Com.dll']
        if PRE315:
            dlls += ['dbIoc.dll', 'dbStaticIoc.dll', 'asIoc.dll']
            dlls += ['dbCore.dll']
        for dll in dlls:
            dllpath = os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'bin', HOSTARCH, dll)
            if not os.path.exists(dllpath):
                static = True
                        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'pcaspy'))
        macros += [('_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', 'None'), ('_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE', 'None'), ('EPICS_CALL_DLL', '')]
        cflags += ['/Z7']
        CMPL = 'msvc'
    if HOSTARCH in ['win32-x86-static', 'windows-x64-static'] or static:
        libraries += ['ws2_32', 'user32', 'advapi32']
        macros += [('_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', 'None'), ('_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE', 'None'), ('EPICS_DLL_NO', '')]
        umacros+= ['_DLL']
        cflags += ['/EHsc', '/Z7']
        lflags += ['/LTCG']
        if HOSTARCH[-5:] == 'debug':
            libraries += ['msvcrtd']
            lflags += ['/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmtd.lib']
            libraries += ['msvcrt']
            lflags += ['/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib']
        CMPL = 'msvc'
    # GCC compiler
    if HOSTARCH in ['win32-x86-mingw', 'windows-x64-mingw']:
        macros += [('_MINGW', ''), ('EPICS_DLL_NO', '')]
        lflags += ['-static',]
        CMPL = 'gcc'
    if HOSTARCH == 'windows-x64-mingw':
        macros += [('MS_WIN64', '')]
        CMPL = 'gcc'
elif UNAME == 'Darwin':
    CMPL = 'clang'
    extra_objects = [os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'lib', HOSTARCH, 'lib%s.a'%lib) for lib in libraries]
    libraries = []
elif UNAME == 'Linux':
    # necessary when EPICS is statically linked
    extra_objects = list()
    for lib in libraries:
        if 'cas' in lib  or  'gdd' in lib:
            extra_objects.append(os.path.join('../pcas-4.13.2/lib', HOSTARCH, 'lib%s.a'%lib))
            extra_objects.append(os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'lib', HOSTARCH, 'lib%s.a'%lib))

    libraries = ['rt']
    if'nm -u %s | grep -q rl_' % os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'lib', HOSTARCH, 'libCom.a'), shell=True) == 0:
        libraries += ['readline']
    CMPL = 'gcc'
elif UNAME == 'SunOS':
    # OS_CLASS used by EPICS
    UNAME = 'solaris'
    CMPL = 'solStudio'
    raise IOError("Unsupported OS {0}".format(UNAME))

cas_module = Extension('pcaspy._cas',
                       sources  =[os.path.join('pcaspy','casdef.i'),
                       swig_opts=['-c++','-threads','-nodefaultdtor','-I%s'% os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'include')],
                       include_dirs = [ '../pcas-4.13.2/include',
                                        os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'include'),
                                        os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'include', 'os', UNAME),
                                        os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'include', 'compiler', CMPL)],
                       library_dirs = [ os.path.join('../pcas-4.13.2/lib', HOSTARCH),
                                        os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'lib', HOSTARCH),],
                       libraries = libraries,
                       extra_link_args = lflags,
                       extra_objects = extra_objects,
                       define_macros = macros,
                       undef_macros  = umacros,)
# other *NIX linker has runtime library path option
if UNAME not in ['WIN32', 'Darwin', 'Linux']:
    cas_module.runtime_library_dirs += os.path.join(EPICSBASE, 'lib', HOSTARCH),

long_description = open('README.rst').read()
_version = imp.load_source('_version','pcaspy/')

dist = setup (name = 'pcaspy',
              version = _version.__version__,
              description = """Portable Channel Access Server in Python""",
              long_description = long_description,
              author      = "Xiaoqiang Wang",
              author_email= "",
              url         = "",
              ext_modules = [cas_module],
              packages    = ["pcaspy"],
              package_data={"pcaspy" : dlls},
              cmdclass    = {'build_py':build_py},
              license     = "BSD",
              platforms   = ["Windows","Linux", "Mac OS X"],
              classifiers = ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
                             'Environment :: Console',
                             'Intended Audience :: Developers',
                             'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
                             'Programming Language :: C++',
                             'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
                             'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',

# Re-run the build_py to ensure that swig generated py files are also copied
build_py = build_py(dist)
xiaoqiangwang commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. The separate of pcas library is indeed a confusion. Currently my simple workaround is to still build the pcas together with epics base, and that is supported by the build system.

$ cd /home/scratch/base-
$ git clone
$ echo EPICS_BASE = /home/scratch/base- > RELEASE.local
$ echo -e "SUBMODULES += pcas\npcas_DEPEND_DIRS = libcom" > Makefile.local
$ cd /home/scratch/base-
$ make

Maybe a separate PCAS environment variable could be used to locate the library?

kasemir commented 5 years ago

As for running with EPICS 7 and the unbundled pcas-4.13.2, all seems to work except the 'asyn' mode results in a warning.

For example, running python and then

caput -S -c -w 10 MTEST:COMMAND whoami

works OK, the MTEST:OUTPUT is updated, the completion callback is performed, but there's this additional message in the python terminal:

('DEBUG: Run ', 'whoami')
Application returned 34340869 from casChannel::write() - expected S_casApp_asyncCompletion
('DEBUG: Finish ', 'whoami')
kasemir commented 5 years ago

Building pcas inside the base/modules is reasonable, I hadn't thought about that. Maybe mention that on the installation page. Certainly a lot easier than updating to handle a potentially separate location for gdd & pcas.

xiaoqiangwang commented 5 years ago

After a brief check the error related to asynchronous write is related to the change of status code definition. (PCASpy) (EPICS7) (EPICS3)

Because pcaspy copies these constants to python file, in EPICS 7, they would have totally different meanings. That confuses the pcas library. I will check whether feasible not to copy the constants definition.

xiaoqiangwang commented 5 years ago

Addressed in 0.7.2 release.

kasemir commented 7 months ago

Should the build setup be reconsidered? PCAS remains unbundled, to be built outside of the EPICS 7 source tree. Might be time to have a designated environment variable tell pcaspy where to find the PCAS library

xiaoqiangwang commented 7 months ago

I added the check of PCAS environment variable in case no bundled pcas is found.

kasemir commented 7 months ago

Excellent, thank you!