paulstraw / FancySelect

A better select for discerning web developers everywhere.
MIT License
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Type to select #82

Open dahliacreative opened 9 years ago

dahliacreative commented 9 years ago

@paulstraw This add's keyboard functionality so you can start typing to jump to an option, works when select is opened, or closed and focused. Example here:

paulstraw commented 9 years ago

These diffs look like pretty much everything has changed; it's pretty difficult to figure out what's going on. Can you explain in a bit more detail?

dahliacreative commented 9 years ago

Ok let me start again, I'll @ you when It's in a better state.

dahliacreative commented 8 years ago

Just a note, I will get round to sorting this out, might have to be over the xmas hols tho!

thalisvilela commented 8 years ago

Hello guys, i'm really looking foward to this pull, @dahliacreative, is it safe to use?

dahliacreative commented 8 years ago

@thalisvilela I gave up in the end as I couldn't figure out the whole coffee script thing, instead I just wrote my own plugin, you can see it here: