Closed npjonath closed 7 years ago
Ok I correct the issue.
It missing some package
on root :
npm install --save rollup
on src:
npm install --save ionicons
update add.module.ts with new @ionic-native import
import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core' import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser' import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http' import { IonicApp, IonicModule, IonicErrorHandler } from 'ionic-angular' import { MyApp } from './app.component' import { AboutPage } from '../pages/about/about' import { ContactPage } from '../pages/contact/contact' import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home' import { TabsPage } from '../pages/tabs/tabs' import {StatusBar} from "@ionic-native/status-bar"; import {SplashScreen} from "@ionic-native/splash-screen";
@NgModule({ declarations: [ MyApp, AboutPage, ContactPage, HomePage, TabsPage ], imports: [ BrowserModule, HttpModule, IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp),
], bootstrap: [IonicApp], entryComponents: [ MyApp, AboutPage, ContactPage, HomePage, TabsPage ], providers: [ {provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler}, StatusBar, SplashScreen ] }) export class AppModule {}`
update app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core' import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular'
import { TabsPage } from '../pages/tabs/tabs' import {StatusBar} from "@ionic-native/status-bar"; import {SplashScreen} from "@ionic-native/splash-screen";
@Component({ templateUrl: 'app.html' }) export class MyApp { rootPage = TabsPage
constructor(platform: Platform, private StatusBar:StatusBar, private SplashScreen:SplashScreen) { platform.ready().then(() => { // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available. // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need. StatusBar.styleDefault(); SplashScreen.hide(); }) } }
@npjonath Thanks for getting in touch. I was running locally on my original repo and obviously did not have ionicons and rollup referenced, but had the packages installed locally!
The reason you had a failed build was due to the npm script calling the old ionic build
command and not the newnpm run ionic:build.
I have updated package.json to fix this.
Anyway, I have updated all dependencies and upgraded the project to the latest Ionic and Angular releases and fixed the references to the missing NPM modules.
So please try again.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hello, Your project look great ! But it seams I can't build it.
all package was installed according to the ReadMe.
Thanks !