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BME280 not detected #2

Closed Gedioa closed 5 years ago

Gedioa commented 5 years ago

Hello, first let me say thanks for the library you have created. I love it! I do have a question, i am unable to get the BME2180 sensor to be detected. I have the BME sensor connected with a breadbord the BME sensor scl is connected to D1 of my ESP-12 and the sda to D2. First i was thinking that the sensor was broken, but i got it working with the adafruit lib, i did had to change: #define BME280_ADDRESS 0x77, to: #define BME280_ADDRESS 0x76 in the: Adafruit_BME280.h file to get it to work. So my questions: 1 Did i connected the BME280 sensor the right way? 2 do i have to make a change to the SparkFunBME280.h file to get it working? as my sensor uses the 0x76 address.

Gedioa commented 5 years ago

I am not sure if it is the way it needs to be done, but i have it working. I added: mySensor.settings.commInterface = I2C_MODE; mySensor.settings.I2CAddress = 0x76;

just below void setup() { char buf[10];

And now it is working

paulvha commented 5 years ago

your issue was that the default I2Caddress is 0x77, while your BME280 had 0x76. I have now added to example 10 a way to define the I2C address at the top so it can be set by the program without code changes.

Gedioa commented 5 years ago

Thanks for adding it.