Closed bvelasquez closed 7 years ago
I changed the code below in NSManagedObject+CKRecord.swift to set the CKRecord object for key "entity_name" to nil if there is no managed object. Not sure if this is the correct solution, or there is more at work that I don't understand.
fileprivate func setRelationshipValues(ofCKRecord ckRecord:CKRecord, withValuesOfRelationshipWithKeys keys: [String]?) {
var relationships: [String] = [String]()
if keys != nil {
relationships = keys!
} else {
relationships = Array(self.entity.toOneRelationshipsByName().keys)
for relationship in relationships {
if let relationshipManagedObject = self.value(forKey: relationship) as? NSManagedObject {
let recordIDString: String = relationshipManagedObject.value(forKey: SMStore.SMLocalStoreRecordIDAttributeName) as! String
let ckRecordZoneID: CKRecordZoneID = CKRecordZoneID.smCloudStoreCustomZoneID()
let ckRecordID: CKRecordID = CKRecordID(recordName: recordIDString, zoneID: ckRecordZoneID)
let ckReference: CKReference = CKReference(recordID: ckRecordID, action: CKReferenceAction.deleteSelf)
ckRecord.setObject(ckReference, forKey: relationship)
**else {
ckRecord.setObject(nil, forKey: relationship)
I have a simple relationship 1 to Many. Entry has a relationship to 1 Event, and the inverse Event relationship "entries" may have many Entry's. The event relationship is optional, and may have an event or may not. When I nil the event relationship for an Entry, the CloudKit relationship does not get removed.
What is the proper way of removing a relationship so that Seam3 will synchronize appropriated to CloudKit?
The CoreData object graph is updating appropriately. The reference between the Entry and the Event does get removed. However, next time I open the App, CloudKit sync's the relationship back into Core Data and the relationship comes back. Any help is appreciated.