paulw11 / Seam3

Cloudkit based persistent store for Core Data
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Can not sync coreData #90

Open avocet opened 5 years ago

avocet commented 5 years ago

Dose Seam 3 have limit of syncing data ? I use seam 3 the sync data without problem in first 3 weeks, but after that, data cannot upload to iCloud and sync to another device. Could you tell me where can I see the upload error notification ? debug area shows below : 2018-09-25 11:57:18.925193+0800 operationSwift[48481:63391283] Cloud Sync Started 2018-09-25 11:57:28.182045+0800 operationSwift[48481:63391283] Cloud Sync Performed 2018-09-25 11:57:28.182192+0800 operationSwift[48481:63391283] Sync performed successfully

avocet commented 5 years ago

I can not upload new data to cloudkit. I found the error message from cloud kit dashboard as below:

error:BAD_REQUEST operation:record modify database:private zone:SMStoreCloudStore_CustomZone items:1 server latency:67ms request size:1.04KB response size:0B hardware:iPad7,1 requestId:52E22FF3-7BAA-4AFD-8809-2003E08BE510

avocet commented 5 years ago

new error The operation couldn’t be completed. (Seam3.SMStoreError error 4.) What does it mean ?