paust-team / paust-db

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Paust-db-client #103

Closed kwjooo closed 5 years ago

kwjooo commented 5 years ago



paust-db client API를 사용하기 위해서는 client package를 import해야함

import ""


- `Fetch(fetchObj InputFetchObj) (*ctypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)`
// Example
inputFetchObj := client.InputFetchObj{Ids: [][]byte{id1, id2, id3}}
HTTPClient := client.NewHTTPClient("http://localhost:26657")
res, err := HTTPClient.Fetch(inputFetchObj)
if err != nil {
if res.Code != 0 {


CLI usage

Paust-db-client install

paust-db의 put, query, fetch등의 기능을 쉽게 테스트 하기 위한 Client CLI 를 제공함

$ go get
$ paust-db-client
Paust DB Client Application

  paust-db-client [command]

Available Commands:
  fetch       Fetch DB for real data
  generate    Generate ED25519 Key Pair
  help        Help about any command
  put         Put data to DB
  query       Query DB for metadata

  -h, --help   help for paust-db-client

Use "paust-db-client [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Put data

paust-db-client put command 를 이용하여 여러 방법으로 데이터를 time series db에 쓸 수 있음 put data 구조는 client.InputDataObj 를 따름

Usage: paust-db-client put [data to put] [flags]

Flags: -d, --directory string Directory path -f, --file string File path -h, --help help for put -o, --ownerKey bytesBase64 Base64 encoded ED25519 public key -q, --qualifier bytesBase64 Base64 encoded data qualifier -r, --recursive Write all files and folders recursively -s, --stdin Input json data from standard input

### Query data
paust-db-client query command 를 이용하여 start, end timestamp 사이에 있는 time series 데이터의 metadata를 가져올 수 있음
flag를 통해 ownerKey, qualifier를 명시하면 특정 ownerKey, qualifier와 일치하는 데이터만 가져 옴
- start, end timestamp명시

Query with start, end

$ paust-db-client query 1544772882435375000 1544772882435375001 query success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI4ODI0MzUzNzUwMDAsInNhbHQiOjQ1fQ==","timestamp":1544772882435375000,"ownerKey":"NwdTf+S9+H5lsB6Us+s5Y1ChdB1aKECA6gsyGCa8SCM=","qualifier":"Y3B1"}]

- start, end timestamp와 ownerKey 명시

Query with start, end, ownerKey

$ paust-db-client query 1544772882435375000 1544772967331458001 -o mnhKcUWnR1iYTm6o4SJ/X0FV67QFIytpLB03EmWM1CY= query success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjAwNDkxNzcwMDAsInNhbHQiOjIxNX0=","timestamp":1544772960049177000,"ownerKey":"mnhKcUWnR1iYTm6o4SJ/X0FV67QFIytpLB03EmWM1CY=","qualifier":"bWVt"}]

- start, end timestamp와 qualifier 명시

Query with start, end, qualifier

$ paust-db-client query 1544772882435375000 1544772967331458001 -q c3BlZWQ= query success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjczMzE0NTgwMDAsInNhbHQiOjM5fQ==","timestamp":1544772967331458000,"ownerKey":"aFw+o2z13LFCXzk7HptFoOY54s7VGDeQQVo32REPFCU=","qualifier":"c3BlZWQ="}]

- start, end timestamp와 ownerKey, qualifier 명시

Query with start, end, ownerKey, qualifier

$ paust-db-client query 1544772882435375000 1544772967331458001 -o mnhKcUWnR1iYTm6o4SJ/X0FV67QFIytpLB03EmWM1CY= -q bWVt query success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjAwNDkxNzcwMDAsInNhbHQiOjIxNX0=","timestamp":1544772960049177000,"ownerKey":"mnhKcUWnR1iYTm6o4SJ/X0FV67QFIytpLB03EmWM1CY=","qualifier":"bWVt"}]

기타 query에 관련된 usage를 --help를 통해 확인할 수 있음

$ paust-db-client query --help Query DB for metadata. 'start' and 'end' are unix timestamp in nanosecond.

Usage: paust-db-client query start end [flags]

Flags: -h, --help help for query -o, --ownerKey bytesBase64 Base64 encoded ED25519 public key -q, --qualifier bytesBase64 Base64 encoded data qualifier

### Fetch Data
paust-db-client fetch command 를 이용하여 여러 방법으로 time series db의 데이터를 읽을 수 있음
fetch object 구조는 `client.InputFetchObj` 를 따름
- STDIN 방식
cli 상에서 `client.InputFetchObj`형식을 가진 JSON object의 array를 사용하여 특정 id를 가진 데이터를 fetch 할 수 있음

Fetch with STDIN

$ echo '{ "ids":[ "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI4ODI0MzUzNzUwMDAsInNhbHQiOjQ1fQ==", "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjAwNDkxNzcwMDAsInNhbHQiOjIxNX0=" ] }' | paust-db-client fetch -s Read json data from STDIN fetch success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI4ODI0MzUzNzUwMDAsInNhbHQiOjQ1fQ==","timestamp":1544772882435375000,"data":"YWJj"},{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjAwNDkxNzcwMDAsInNhbHQiOjIxNX0=","timestamp":1544772960049177000,"data":"ZGVm"}]

- File 방식
읽을 데이터가 많은 경우 File 을 통하여 특정 id를 가진 데이터를 fetch 할 수 있음 
파일에 작성되는 data형태는 client.InputFetchObj형식을 가진 JSON object의 array로 [test/read_file.json]( 참고

Fetch with file

$ paust-db-client fetch -f ids_to_read.json Read json data from file: ids_to_read.json fetch success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI4ODI0MzUzNzUwMDAsInNhbHQiOjQ1fQ==","timestamp":1544772882435375000,"data":"YWJj"}]

- Cli argument 방식

Fetch with cli arguments

$ paust-db-client fetch eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI4ODI0MzUzNzUwMDAsInNhbHQiOjQ1fQ== eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjAwNDkxNzcwMDAsInNhbHQiOjIxNX0= Read data from cli arguments fetch success. [{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI4ODI0MzUzNzUwMDAsInNhbHQiOjQ1fQ==","timestamp":1544772882435375000,"data":"YWJj"},{"id":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NDQ3NzI5NjAwNDkxNzcwMDAsInNhbHQiOjIxNX0=","timestamp":1544772960049177000,"data":"ZGVm"}]

기타 fetch에 관련된 usage를 --help를 통해 확인할 수 있음

$ paust-db-client fetch --help Fetch DB for real data. 'id' is a base64 encoded byte array.

Usage: paust-db-client fetch [id...] [flags]

Flags: -f, --file string File path -h, --help help for fetch -s, --stdin Input json data from standard input

elon0823 commented 5 years ago

master 에 반영됨