pavankataria / SwiftDataTables

A Swift Data Table package, display grid-like data sets in a nicely formatted table for iOS. Subclassing UICollectionView that allows ordering, and searching with extensible options.
MIT License
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SwiftDataTable Announcement! #56

Open pavankataria opened 4 years ago

pavankataria commented 4 years ago

I hope you all are well during these treacherous times with all that's going on in the world especially with the pandemic. Stay safe everyone.

On to the announcement. This project is very much active first and foremost. As you all know I've been thinking long and hard on how to implement self sizing cells in a grid like system. UICollectionViews can be very buggy to deal with, and has given many developers nightmares to have it conform to their will. I too have spent many hours trying to get UICollectionView to work properly which is why I made this library so that other developers can integrate grid tables into their projects. While that worked well, I've been inundated with requests to have self sizing cells - aka cells which can resize and determine it's height based on the cell's content and the autolayout constraints applied within. This too was problematic for me and other collectionview framework developers who just haven't been able to find a reliable and efficient way of doing so. I have recently come across some information on how to possibly achieve this. While everything looks good in principle it remains to be seen if this new information will help us.

I'm currently very busy re-writing the internals to work with autolayout and I hope to have a prototype ready over the next few weeks. After that I need to make sure the extra features like column freezing and so on works beyond the default filtering and ordering features.

While rewriting the internal API I'm also actively thinking about ways to allow you, the users of this library, to be able to specify your own custom cell views. I can only consider building this feature aggressively if the prototype previously mentioned works as expected.

The goal for me is to ensure that I can sleep well at night knowing that I have a solid framework out there that's used by many of you without any serious limitations and this will only be possible once this work is completed!

Thank you all for continuing to show love and support to this library.

Wish me luck, and stick around while I keep you folks updated on my progress!

benchd commented 2 years ago

Are you still working on this? Any progress?

pavankataria commented 2 years ago

This project I'm working on is an incredibly complicated problem to solve which as you can imagine requires a huge time investment on my side. I've had to put this project on hold as I have had to prioritise for projects that would monetarily compensate for my time.

I have setup an open collective ti give an opportunity for folks to back the project. You don't have to become a backer. This is aimed towards the generous and kind folks who want to continue supporting