paveldn / haier-esphome

Haier ac integration for ESPHome
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Haier AS25S2SF2FA-2 with M5Stamp C3 #40

Closed Alloc186 closed 2 months ago

Alloc186 commented 3 months ago

HI, I cant make it work. My unit is Haier AS25S2SF2FA-2m I have USB dongle, works OK with SmartAir2 APP. I bought M5Stamp C3 board + USB A to USB C adapter. Changed code to tx_pin: 19 rx_pin: 18.

When I put code to ESP Home ota (I am newbie in ESP world), it doesn't work.

Here is my code:

`esphome: name: klima friendly_name: klima

esp32: board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1 variant: esp32c3 framework: type: esp-idf

wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password




logger: hardware_uart: UART1

uart: baud_rate: 9600 tx_pin: 19 rx_pin: 18 id: ac_port





Thanks for any help ;/

paveldn commented 3 months ago


I am afraid it will not work like this. You can't use a USB from your M5Stamp because Haeir AC doesn't have a real USB. It is just a USB connector that is used for the serial port. And M5Stamp has a real USB. To make it work you will need to solder USB wire to pins yourself.

Alloc186 commented 3 months ago

Ok, that's what I thought, but I was hoping to avoid soldering. So I'll try to get free unused USB cable, cut it and feed it directly to the board.

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

Hi I just figured it out without soldering! I used M5 Stack [AtomS3U] ( m5stack_atoms3u


Then set GPIO like this: uart: baud_rate: 9600 tx_pin: 19 rx_pin: 20 id: ac_port

paveldn commented 2 months ago

Oh, cool I didn't know on these boards they connected USB data directly to the GPIO. Thanks for the info.

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

It even fits into place under original cover .) Thanks for your amazing work!

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

One more question I have successfully managed to control vertical and horizontal airflow, with select command. But does the device also communicate back? Like if I set the air flow using the position of the slats with the controller, will this setting also be reflected in the Home assistant?

paveldn commented 2 months ago

You can write a template sensor (or some other component) using public functions of haier climate: get_vertical_airflow get_horizontal_airflow Should be something like this:

  - platform: template
    name: ${device_name} Vertical airflow
    lambda: |-
      auto hflow = id(${device_id}).get_horizontal_airflow();
      switch(hflow) {
        case esphome::haier::AirflowHorizontalDirection::MAX_LEFT:
            return {"Max left"};
        case esphome::haier::AirflowHorizontalDirection::LEFT:
            return {"Left"};
        case esphome::haier::AirflowHorizontalDirection::CENTER:
            return {"Center"};
        case esphome::haier::AirflowHorizontalDirection::RIGHT:
            return {"Right"};
        case esphome::haier::AirflowHorizontalDirection::MAX_RIGHT:
            return {"Max right"};
            return {"Unknown"};
    update_interval: 10s

And similar for vertical

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

Hmm, sensor works for setting from ESP but not reporting change made by remote control. image

paveldn commented 2 months ago

@Alloc186 I will need logs from you to check. Can you get logs for me with the Debug level? I will need 10 - 15 seconds before you make changes with the remote and 10 - 15 seconds after. And a comment on what you did with the remote.

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

OK, here is my LOG file, just turned ON in heating mode, tried all states for horizontal swing from left to right position, tried vertical swing on and off then turned OFF unit. logs_klimatizace-c_logs (1).txt

paveldn commented 2 months ago

@Alloc186 Thanks. Yes, something is not right. Modes not detected correctly. Not sure why. I will need to dig deeper into this. Thanks for putting my attention on this.

paveldn commented 2 months ago

@Alloc186 OK I know where the problem is. Your AC is using values for the vertical and horizontal positions that are not used in my integration so when an unknown value is received my app will always use "Center" (for both vertical and horizontal). I want to rework a little bit away how my integration works with this. I will let you know once I have something to test.

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

Super, let me know! You are the best ;) For info: my indoor AC unit is as25s2sf2fa-2, may have different settings option than yours.

paveldn commented 2 months ago

@paveldn I made some changes to the experimental branch. Can you please test them? I found a couple of new modes but because my ACs don't support horizontal swing I can't test what they doing. Can you please, also check what is effect of these settings is? I called them "Test 01" and "Test 02" in horizontal swing select.

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

Yes, i would loved to, but I don't know how to switch to experimental version. I am noob in ESP world :)

paveldn commented 2 months ago

No problem Everybody starts with something. You need to modify your config in a part that configures AC. Easiest way to use premaid config from my repo. So you will need to have something like this:

# You can use your own names and IDs
  device_name: Haier AC
  device_id: haier_climate
  uart_id: ac_port
  send_wifi: "true"

  name: haier

# Here use your board settings
  board: esp32dev
    type: esp-idf

#Use your own wifi settings
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

#Here use your setup UART pins
  baud_rate: 9600
  tx_pin: 17
  rx_pin: 16
  id: ${uart_id}

  level: DEBUG

# Component from the experimental branch
  - source: github://paveldn/haier-esphome@experimental
    refresh: 0s

# Premaid config for hOn AC from the experimental branch
    ref: experimental
    refresh: 0s
      - .haier-hon-base.yaml
Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your help ;) IT WORKS!

OK, so Left from remote is left on ESP, WOW! Max left=> Max left Center=> Center Right=> Right Max right=> Max right Swinging shows as AUTO Test01 and Test02, just keeps in center position, nothing extra.

For horizontal: Hmm it only shows Max Up, if I stop motion it in any position with remote (change from swinging mode). It was in heating mode...

With extra function: Health Down from remote=Health Down on ESP With extra function: Health Up from remote=Health Up on ESP With extra function: Down from remote=Down on ESP

Manually switched form ESP webpage: Health UP=> 100% all up Max Up=> 95% up Up=>70% Center=>50% Down=> 20% Max down=> 40% (strange, it should be bellow down, visa versa) Health Down=>0% all down Swinging shows as AUTO

So horizontal control works 100%, vertical acts strange...

* One more update, the temperature sensor is more accurate in the experimental branch, with an accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius

paveldn commented 2 months ago

@Alloc186 Thanks for testing

Hmm it only shows Max Up, if I stop motion it in any position with remote (change from swinging mode). It was in heating mode...

Probably AC is just not reporting it. There is no way in protocol to report position in percentages or something it just reports some fixed values.

So horizontal control works 100%, vertical acts strange...

I will swap Max Down <=> Down, and remove extra not needed options.

One more update, the temperature sensor is more accurate in the experimental branch, with an accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius

It was always there. You got this available because you are using a different configuration now. Some of the Haier ACs (cassette models mostly) also support setting target temp in 0.5 Celsius resolution. It can be configured:

# step for target temperature (most of Haier AC work with 1 but some can use 0.5
        target_temperature: 1
# step for current temperature (temp sensor) works with 0.5
        current_temperature: 0.5
paveldn commented 2 months ago

I will swap Max Down <=> Down, and remove extra not needed options.

Done. You can update your ESP. It will automatically pull changes. I will prepare a pull request for ESPHome but usually, it takes a month or two for changes to be included in the official ESPHome so don't expect it will be there soon. Maybe I will also include some other changes I planned. Will see.

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

You are the best thank you! Send me PayPal address to donate for your work ;)

paveldn commented 2 months ago

Hi @Alloc186 Thanks, I would appreciate it. My PayPal And glad I could help 👍

Alloc186 commented 2 months ago

10 EURO just arrived to you, enjoy your beer mate, thank you. 👍😊.

paveldn commented 2 months ago

Thanks! 🤝

zmstr commented 1 month ago

Sorry to hog your issue @Alloc186 but this issue made me buy an AtomS3U but I'm unable to get it working. Something with “Configuration does not match the platform of the connected device. Expected an ESP32 device”. Would you mind sharing your full config?

paveldn commented 1 month ago

@zmstr Hi, I just recently got my AtomS3U and haven't tried it yet with Haier. I will make a config and test it later today to make sure it is working.

Alloc186 commented 1 month ago

Sorry to hog your issue @Alloc186 but this issue made me buy an AtomS3U but I'm unable to get it working. Something with “Configuration does not match the platform of the connected device. Expected an ESP32 device”. Would you mind sharing your full config?

Hello, here is my config:

substitutions: name: "klimatizace-a" friendly_name: Klimatizace A

device_name: Haier AC device_id: haier_climate uart_id: ac_port send_wifi: "true"

Component from the experimental branch


Premaid config for hOn AC from the experimental branch

packages: remote_package: url: ref: experimental refresh: 0s files:

esphome: name: ${name} friendly_name: ${friendly_name} name_add_mac_suffix: false platformio_options: board_build.flash_mode: dio project: name: esphome.web version: '1.0'

esp32: board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1 framework: type: arduino

Enable logging


Enable Home Assistant API


Allow Over-The-Air updates


Allow provisioning Wi-Fi via serial



Set up a wifi access point

ap: {}

In combination with the ap this allows the user

to provision wifi credentials to the device via WiFi AP.


dashboard_import: package_import_url: github://esphome/firmware/esphome-web/esp32s3.yaml@v2 import_full_config: true

Sets up Bluetooth LE (Only on ESP32) to allow the user

to provision wifi credentials to the device.

esp32_improv: authorizer: none

To have a "next url" for improv serial


uart: baud_rate: 9600 tx_pin: 19 rx_pin: 20 id: ac_port

paveldn commented 1 month ago

@zmstr my version of config. Pretty much the same as @Alloc186 version just a little bit more compact:

  device_name: Haier AC
  device_id: haier_climate
  uart_id: ac_port
  send_wifi: "true"

  name: haier
  name_add_mac_suffix: true
    board_build.flash_mode: dio

  board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
    type: arduino

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  baud_rate: 9600
  tx_pin: 19
  rx_pin: 20
  id: ${uart_id}


  level: DEBUG

    refresh: 0s
      - .haier-hon-base.yaml

Keep in mind that AtomS3U has much more than I used there is an IR transmitter, RGB LED, and even a microphone. You can find some configs for this device here:

zmstr commented 1 month ago

Awesome, thanks for sharing your config guys. I got it to work last night and it looks pretty slick in the AC instead of a soldered USB male connector with a dangling ESP8266 😊

Alloc186 commented 1 month ago

Hello, I maybe found a bug in experimental version - Switching mode to heating does not affect unit setting, unit just stays in cooling mode :/.

paveldn commented 1 month ago


I need a log from you. First with failed attempts to switch from cooling to heating with my component. Also, logs when switching in the same situation with it remote.

Alloc186 commented 1 month ago

Nevermind, It seems to be working OK. Must be solved during update to latest ESP version...