Replace following line under zbx_screens/zbx_export_screens.xml with your first redis host
(replace '' to 'redis01.intra' (this is my local IP for redis server)
Import saved file zbx_export_screens.xml via Zabbix -> Monitoring -> Screens
When i importing.... zabbix web throw me this message "Cannot find graph "Redis: "{#INSTANCE}" - {#COMMAND} Calls Overview" used in screen "Redis Monitoring: Redis Command Overview".
Other steps complited successfuly.
Please, help to resolve this issue.... thanks
Hello, Pavel I have problem with this steps:
Installation (OPTIONAL)
Import saved file zbx_export_screens.xml via Zabbix -> Monitoring -> Screens When i importing.... zabbix web throw me this message "Cannot find graph "Redis: "{#INSTANCE}" - {#COMMAND} Calls Overview" used in screen "Redis Monitoring: Redis Command Overview".
Other steps complited successfuly. Please, help to resolve this issue.... thanks