pavelzw / calibre-kindle-comics

A calibre plugin that converts your comics into a readable format for kindle.
ISC License
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ASIN Issues? #13

Open GreyAsteroid opened 2 years ago

GreyAsteroid commented 2 years ago

When I use KCC to generate a Mobi and then use Calibre to push it to the kindle I get a lockscreen thumbnail and when I use the default Calibre mobi converter when pushing to the Kindle I also get a lockscreen thumbnail however when I instead use Kindle Comics Output I do not get lockscreen thumbnails. Both of these other methods also allow me to "See in Store" or "Share" but this is also not available when using Kindle Comics Output. From my limited understanding it seems like the ASIN is being ignored?

Narvon commented 2 years ago

Can confirm the issure with the "lockscreen thumbnail". Converted it in any possible way over the Plugin, but with the same result. Over KCC the "lockscreen thumbnail" is there and takes the first Page of the Comic/Manga. In the file you have a Cover in the "Table of contents" and it is displayed in the library. It seems there is a missing Tag in the file to use the Cover as "lockscreen thumbnail".