I observed some strange decimal places on the player's balance in the database appearing from time to time. An example:
I configured my shop plugin "BossShopPro" to sell an item for 1.00$. It works fine so far but sometimes I observe strange decimal places added to my balance's value in the database. My initial balance is 1020$. When I buy one item after another, I always get the following reproducible values:
I observed some strange decimal places on the player's balance in the database appearing from time to time. An example:
I configured my shop plugin "BossShopPro" to sell an item for 1.00$. It works fine so far but sometimes I observe strange decimal places added to my balance's value in the database. My initial balance is 1020$. When I buy one item after another, I always get the following reproducible values:
I'm not sure if this is a problem related to Craftconomy or another plugin in the pipe
BossShopPro --> Vault --> Craftconomy --> MariaDB