pawandubey / griffin

speedy and simplistic static site generator.
Apache License 2.0
27 stars 7 forks source link

how to write a source post? #40

Closed luckypoem closed 7 years ago

luckypoem commented 7 years ago

can u give a demo of a source post?

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

@luckypoem I am extremely sorry for replying this late but somehow I completely missed your issue. I have documented the basic writing flow in the wiki page here:

Let me know if it needs any improvement!

luckypoem commented 7 years ago


root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# ls cache.db cache.db.p config.toml content output themes root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# cat config.toml

parsing details

source = "content" output = "output" exclude = []


inputdate = "yyyy MM dd" outputdate = "MMM d yyyy" theme = "hyde" headerimage = "" postsperindex = 3

render files as per tags?

rendertags = false


port = 9090

social media details

[social] disqus = "your disqus shortcode" fb = "your facebook profile id" twitter = "your twitter handle" github = "your github profile id" gplus = "your google plus profile id" so = "your stackoverflow profile id"

site details

[site] name = "my own griffin blog" tagline = "Not just another site" author = "brite" baseurl = "" root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site#

the blog i setup is ,but the inside link is still like this: http://localhost:9090/test-2/ ,instead of ,how to fix the error?

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

If you've changed the baseurl setting in the config.toml file, you need to regenerate your site after that, because the settings are only applied when you publish the site. i think doing a griffin publish -r should change the links to the one you want.

luckypoem commented 7 years ago

root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# griffin publish --rebuild

            __   /'___\  /'___\  __             

_ /_\ /\ \/ /\ _/ /\\ __
\ /\'
\/\ \ \ ,\ \ ,\/\ \ /' `\
/\ \L\ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ _/ \ \ _/ \ \ \ /\ \/\ \ \ ___ \ _\ \ _\ _\ \ _\ \ _\ \\ \
\ \/L\ \// \// \// \// \// \//\// /___/
Rebuilding site from scratch... Cleaning up the output area... Cleanup done. Carefully copying the assests... Copying done. Parsing 2 objects... Time (hardly) taken: 1657 ms All done for now! I will be bach! root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site#

the issue still exists.u can check

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

@luckypoem can you upload your source somewhere so that I can reproduce it? I'll be able to debug what's going wrong the way.

luckypoem commented 7 years ago

here it is:

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

Hi @luckypoem, thanks for the source. I basically did the following:

And the links were correctly generated. If you are not able to reproduce the result, let me know. The generated files are attached below.

luckypoem commented 7 years ago

hi. i still can't reproduce the result.maybe the griffin executable file is not ok? root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# which griffin /root/griffin/griffin/bin//griffin root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site#

can u send ur griffin executable file to my email: luckypoem at

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

I am actually using the binary posted here:

Give that a try if you are at an earlier version - although I have not encountered this bug on any version.

On that note, please let me know the version and operating system you are using by running griffin and uname -a and posting the output here. Thanks for sticking with me on this issue!

luckypoem commented 7 years ago


root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# griffin -v griffin version 0.2.0 copyright Pawan Dubey ... root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# uname -a Linux AR 2.6.32-042stab117.14 #1 SMP Tue Aug 30 17:12:57 MSK 2016 i686 GNU/Linux root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site#

note: root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site# cd output root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site/output# ls SITEMAP.xml becoz-i-love-u cache.db.p page test-2 assets cache.db index.html test-1 uce root@AR:/usr/local/griffin-site/output#

i modified all the localhost:9090 to be in /usr/local/griffin-site/output/index.html and /usr/local/griffin-site/output/page/2/index.html,then the inside links in my blog are all ok,but this is a dumb method. how to use a batch processing command to change all the localhost:9090 to be how to write the command?? tks

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

You don't have to modify it by hand, griffin replaces that with the baseurl property everytime you publish the site. You can accomplish the same with commands like sed but that is going beyond the project and the whole point is that you shouldn't need to. I will make a new release, please try the publishing with that and let me know.

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

Please use this stable release: If you replace your existing griffin.jar with the one in this release, the changes would take effect.

I actually tried this with the older version that you are using and it still works fine on my machine. I am having a hard time understanding what the issue really is.

luckypoem commented 7 years ago


i see. i use v0.2.1 to generate the site without any error. v0.2.0 indeed has problem in my linux vps.

but 2 more issues: the md file doesn't support inserting html code? as in my post ,the video code didn't get rendered.

the published posts on the same day are not aligned as per the publishing time's order. for example: the post is published after the post , the post should be above the post ,actually it's to correct the order?

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

@luckypoem Glad to see it solved your issue. Can you please create a separate issue each for both of your other concerns so that we can track them better? And mark this one as resolved?

I will take a look at your iframe code meanwhile. Thanks!

pawandubey commented 7 years ago

I actually went ahead and created the issues. Closing this one as this is solved.