Sample $w \sim \mathrm{Uniform}(0.05, 0.95)$ many times, e.g., $S=200$.
For each weight $w$ construct a data set for some $N'=N=1000$ from a mixture of two Student distributions. One with $\nu = 3$, one with $mu_1 = 0$ and another at $\mu_2 = \delta$ for $\delta \sim \mathrm{Uniform}(0.5, 3)$. Dispersion should be of order 0.5.
Fit using HMC the following models:
Well-specified Student mixture.
Misspecified Gaussian mixture.
Partition the real axis into $K$ bins for different $K$ and fit the usual model.
Basing on the samples calculate the HDI credible intervals changing coverage.
Compare the credible interval coverage with the frequentist coverage. We expect that well-specified model will have approximately correct coverage, misspecified Gaussian mixture will have too small coverage, and binned model will have too large coverage (will be a bit more conservative than a correctly specified model).
Create the following experiment:
For the figure: