pawelczak / EasyAutocomplete

JQuery autocomplete plugin
MIT License
729 stars 244 forks source link

Think of categories #68

Open pawelczak opened 9 years ago

pawelczak commented 9 years ago

e.g.: a -- fruits -- ananas apple -- vegetables -- asparagus carrot

Strvstraja commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

i love your plugin, it is really cool especially the custom template stuff it is really powerful. But i have a little problem with it, i can sort out on my own how to add categories in it... :/ just as you specified: -- fruits -- ananas apple -- vegetables -- asparagus carrot Well not exactly ananas and apple but the essence is there.

any ideas on when is this feature coming in or, any guidelines for how to get this done?

Thx anyways Great Stuff!

pawelczak commented 9 years ago

Hi, Thanks for a great comment, i really appreciate it. I'm currently working on "Categories" feature, so hopefully it will be released in a couple of days.

All Best.

Strvstraja commented 9 years ago

That is cool, Looking forward to it, i will be waiting for it with great patience :)

Keep up the good work and again thx for the cool plugin!

pawelczak commented 8 years ago

I've released new version of plugin 1.1.6 and one of its new feature is "categories". There is an insteresting example called "Heroes from Marvel / DC Comics", that shows how this feature works and it's located on the website Categories guide section is my next target.

mikestreety commented 8 years ago

I was looking for the code on for the demo site, but couldn't find it. One really small thing is that you have your DC and Marvel heroes mixed up ;) Batman seems to be appearing under Marvel while Captain America under DC :wink: