pawelgrzybek / snippet-generator

Snippet generator for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom
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edit functionality for existing vscode snippets #11

Closed pranayrauthu closed 5 years ago

pranayrauthu commented 6 years ago

added a feature to edit existing vs code snippets. check how it works here

pawelgrzybek commented 6 years ago


Thanks again for your contribution. I watched this video about 5 times and I cannot figure it out what it does. Can you give my a brief summary please?

Thanks and have a great day.

pranayrauthu commented 6 years ago

Ohh sorry, maybe I should have added some annotations. I have made the output tab as editable and If you paste an existing snippet in that title, description and snippet will be extracted. Now you can ask what is the use of that. users can edit existing snippets and also can use them in other editors.

pranayrauthu commented 6 years ago

try pasting the following snippet in output(vscode tab) window.

"console log": { "prefix": "cl", "body": [ "console.log(${1:example})" ], "description": "console log" }

you can observe description, tab trigger and snippet filled up on the input side.