pawelgrzybek / snippet-generator

Snippet generator for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom
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Updated to preserve tabs in VS Code #12

Closed clarmond closed 5 years ago

clarmond commented 6 years ago

For code that uses tabs instead of spaces, this code will preserve those tabs in the VS Code snippet using the tab control character.

pawelgrzybek commented 5 years ago


Thanks for your contribution but I cannot merge it with master. Currently the functionality for all 3 editors mimic the same functionality. I cannot change the functionality for VSCode only leaving ST and Atom with inconsistent output. Snippet generator lets user share generated snippets with a friend via URL and this will break the consistency of peoples output.

It is a good idea tho and I will add an option to respect tabs in the future. It will no longer convert tabs into 2 spaces.

Thanks for contribution again!

clarmond commented 5 years ago

That makes sense. I ended up created my own basic snippet creator based on my own needs including preservation of dollar signs for Perl code. Thanks for the inspiration.