pawelgrzybek / snippet-generator

Snippet generator for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom
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possibility to create multiple snippets at once ? #24

Closed xiaoouwang closed 5 years ago

xiaoouwang commented 5 years ago

Tks for the nice plugin ! Is it possible to enhance this great website to something like a parser working in the following way : the --- seperates the different code to convert to snippets

aaa(default description)
bbb(default trigger,prefix)
textAfter(text to convert to snippets)
aaaNextsnippet(default description)
bbbNextsnippet(default trigger,prefix)
textAfterNextSnippet(text to convert to snippets)
pawelgrzybek commented 5 years ago


Idea is nice but --- makes sense only to you. It is not a convention used in snippets file. The only think that --- means to me is a <hr> in Markdown file.

Although it would be very simple to add this functionality, it won't be intuitive and I am not planning to add functionality like this.

Thanks for suggestion and contribution. Have a great day.

xiaoouwang commented 5 years ago

tks for the response ! Actually - - - is just a suggestion, it can be anything else. Buy I see what you mean, this kind of tools are used typically to add a small number of user defined snippets on top of a certain community maintained plug-in.

My case is that the language I use (Praat, a signal processing language) doesn't have any snippet available and I have to do everything from scratch so it's really impossible to do it one by one.

Can you indicate me some tutorials or avenue so that I can do it on my own? That would be really kind!