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Change to WIFI Stick on Ginlong (Solis) - not allowing fake DNS #10

Open craigcurtin-dev opened 3 years ago

craigcurtin-dev commented 3 years ago


I have two Solis inverters (4g) with two of the Solis supplied WIFI sticks (which are IGEN/Solarman) - i have them setup for DHCP.

When i change them from DHCP to hard coded IP and set the DNS server to be pointing at the FakeDNS - it allows me to save the settings and restart - however when i go back in it has changed the DNS to - very interesting and i wonder if it is in response to projects such as this.

This might be why some of the other posters are pointing out no traffic to their system after making the changes at the WIFI stick

I will make changes to my firewall instead to force DNS requests from the inverter to the FakeDNS and report back


craigcurtin-dev commented 3 years ago

OK got the requests going out (or at least the WIFI dongle set to send the DNS via my HassIO - nothing showing in the logs for the Sofar Solar integration though.

Will continue to mess around and see what i can find

luisgarcia87 commented 3 years ago

I’m having the same problem I can’t change the DNS on the Inverter settings. It keeps going back to Anyone knows how to set it up?

craigcurtin-dev commented 3 years ago

I just came back to it later and it then accepted it. However i am still not receiving any data in my HA and have scrapped this approach.


luisgarcia87 commented 3 years ago

I ended up using this: to have a JSON HTTP Output, and then using RESTful sensor on Home Assistant I was able to get the specific data from the JSON Output of the FSS Solis Inverter and make charts/graph out of it. Someone also helped me achieved all that. You can read more about it here: