pawelmalak / snippet-box

Snippet Box is a simple self-hosted app for organizing your code snippets. It allows you to easily create, edit, browse and manage your snippets in various languages.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Code Formatting #28

Closed MJWherry closed 6 months ago

MJWherry commented 2 years ago

Add code formatting based on possible languages (C#, python, etc)

pawelmalak commented 2 years ago

Do you know any node.js libraries that support code formatting for multiple languages? I was only able to find formatters for html, css, json and js.

Torqu3Wr3nch commented 2 years ago

Would like to second this request- it's basically the only thing holding me back from using snippet-box.

@pawelmalak Not a node guy, but maybe highlight.js?


Node.js Highlight.js can be used on the server through the API. The package with all supported languages is installable from NPM:

npm install highlight.js

By the way, great work!

pawelmalak commented 2 years ago

Snippet-box is already using highlight.js for, well, syntax highlighting. Afaik, it doesn't have option to format your code.

JaneMillor commented 2 years ago

Is there a list of supported code syntax /code formatting ? would love to see support of yaml, a example of a online syntax for yaml would be yamlchecker dot com

Would also be great to have line numbers in the code examples :-)