pawelsalawa / sqlitestudio

A free, open source, multi-platform SQLite database manager.
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French translation #5073

Closed marcpley closed 3 weeks ago

marcpley commented 3 weeks ago

Hello. I'm new user of SQLite and SQLiteStudio. I have choose SQLiteStudio after testing DBBrowser, dBeaver, BeeKeeper, Navicat and LibreOffice Base. Great thanks for your App Pawel !

I could help on the french translation. I'm native french speaker. How to contribute ? I'm new to github too ;-)

Here there is a bad translation :

Need to replace the word "charher" with "charger". I'm totally sure of that.

Not sure but : generally, the french translation of "Table" (if used for a database) is not "Tableau" but "Table" (same as in english). This is important because terribly visible when you open the app for the first time ! But I see that you use "Column" instead of "Field" for the English translation, that seem to me strange. In french we use "Champ" for data field and "Colonne" for a column in a grid, it's not the same thinks. A column displays the data of a table field.

pawelsalawa commented 3 weeks ago

Instructions for translators are at Thanks!

Google Translator translates "data table" to "tableau de données". Does the "Table"/"Tableau" depend on the context in which you translate it? Can you explain difference between "Table" and "Tableau"?

marcpley commented 3 weeks ago

"Tableau" is grid, a manner to present data. In a grid (Tableau) there is columns (colonnes) and rows (lignes). "Table" is something to store data in (this was true before the computers exists). The structure of the table consist in fields (champs). The data of table consist in records (enregistrements). I agree that "row" is currently used instead of "record" in English. In french "colonne" is sometime used instead of "champ" (fields), for both the data structure and the data display, but it's considered as not good in the french wikipedia article. Idem for "ligne" (row) used instead of "enregistrement" (record). No one uses "Tableau" (grid) instead of "Table".

So, a minimum would be replacing "Tableau" by "Table".

A more complete action would be replacing: "Colonne" by "Field" if about a table structure.

And eventually: "Table" (Grid view) by "Tableau"

In the config windows there is also stranges or wrongs translations. I can check that if you want.

pawelsalawa commented 3 weeks ago

I see. Feel invited to contribute. Thank you!