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How to determine if y_dialog's inputtext is null? #450

Closed tr1xy closed 4 years ago

tr1xy commented 4 years ago

I noticed that even if player do not enter anything, inputtext still won't be \0

This is what I get when I printf the value passed to inputtext: 

Y-Less commented 4 years ago


tr1xy commented 4 years ago

@Y-Less that won't work for some reason, here is the code:

print("AAAA"); is being called even tho I just selected the Dialog's Item (no actual input) (DIALOG_STYLE_LIST)

EDIT: btw I noticed that the ID is missing (iirc Dialog_ShowCallbackData used to have it as the last param) and It'd be very useful here as I could create better conditions (I think at least)

btw Ignore the if(!response) inside that code block (I was testing something)

Y-Less commented 4 years ago

I removed the IDs because they are not needed if you're using callbacks - there's only one dialog that can trigger the response (not true for public callbacks I suppose).

tr1xy commented 4 years ago

That ain't solving my problem though, why is inputtext not null? @Y-Less

Y-Less commented 4 years ago

It's \1. I saw some messages about this, but you deleted them, in which you checked inputtext[0] == '\1', which is exactly what isnull(inputtext) does.

tr1xy commented 4 years ago

I used if(inputtext[0] == '\1') but I need ! = there so I thought it worked but in fact it did not and that's why I deleted the message...

tr1xy commented 4 years ago

@Y-Less Here is everytyhing:

// Auth > Register

stock Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step = 0)
        case 0:
            inline passwordDialog(id, dialogid, response, listitem, string:inputtext[])
                #pragma unused id, dialogid, listitem

                if(!response) {

                if(strlen(inputtext) < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
                    va_SendErrorMessage(playerid, "Žao nam je ali Vaša lozinka mora da ima minimalno %d karaktera!", MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH);

                strcpy(PlayerPassword[playerid], inputtext);

                va_SendServerMessage(playerid, "Okej, uneli ste "SERVER"%s "WHITE"za lozinku naloga.", inputtext);
                Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step + 1);

            new string[450];
            format(string, sizeof(string), ""WHITE"Dobro nam došli, "SERVER"%s\n\n"WHITE"Ovaj nalog "DARK_ORANGE"nije registrovan "WHITE"na našem serveru.\nDa biste ga registrovali, unesite željenu lozinku.\nUnošenjem lozinke zapocinjete proces registracije naloga.\n\n"INDIANRED"Napomene:\n\t"INDIANRED"- Lozinka mora imati minimalno %d karaktera\n\t"INDIANRED"- Lozinka mora da bude sacinjena od brojeva i slova\n\t"INDIANRED"- Ova lozinka ce Vam biti potrebna za logovanje na nalog", PlayerName[playerid], MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH);

            Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline passwordDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, va_return(""ORANGE_RED"(%d/4) Lozinka", step + 1), string, D_CONFIRM, D_CANCEL);
        case 1:
            inline genderDialog(id, dialogid, response, listitem, string:inputtext[])
                #pragma unused id, dialogid, inputtext

                if(!response) {
                    Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step - 1);

                PlayerGender{playerid} = (listitem + 1);
                va_SendServerMessage(playerid, "Okej, izabrali ste "SERVER"%s "WHITE"pol.", listitem == 0 ? "muški" : "ženski");

                Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step + 1);
            Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline genderDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, va_return(""ORANGE_RED"(%d/4) Pol", step + 1), ""WHITE"Muško\n"WHITE"Žensko", D_CONFIRM, D_CANCEL);
        case 2:
            inline skinTone(id, dialogid, response, listitem, string:inputtext[])
                #pragma unused id, dialogid, inputtext

                if(!response) {
                    Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step - 1);

                PlayerSkinTone{playerid} = (listitem + 1);
                va_SendServerMessage(playerid, "Okej, izabrali ste "SERVER"%s "WHITE"ton kože.", listitem == 0 ? "svetliji" : "tamniji");

                Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step + 1);
            Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline skinTone, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, va_return(""ORANGE_RED"(%d/4) Ton kože", step + 1), ""WHITE"Svetliji\nTamniji", D_CONFIRM, D_CANCEL);
        case 3:
            inline playerRefferal(id, dialogid, response, listitem, string:inputtext[])
                #pragma unused id, dialogid

                if(!response) {
                    Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step - 1);

                // This condition is called even though I did not enter anything...
                if(inputtext[0] != '\1') //
                    inline doSqlCheck()
                            PlayerRefferal{playerid} = REFFERAL_PLAYER;
                            cache_get_value_name_int(0, "player_id", PlayerRefferalDBID[playerid]);
                            va_SendServerMessage(playerid, "Okej, izabrali ste "SERVER"%s "WHITE"za Vašeg preporucitelja.", inputtext[0]);
                            va_SendErrorMessage(playerid, "Nismo uspeli pronaci "FIREBRICK"%s "WHITE"u databazi!", inputtext[0]);
                            Auth_DoRegister(playerid, step);
                        MySQL_TQueryInline(dbHandler, using inline doSqlCheck, "SELECT `player_id` FROM `player_profile` WHERE `player_name` = '%e'", inputtext[0]);
                        case 0:
                            Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline playerRefferal, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, va_return(""ORANGE_RED"(%d/4) Refferal", step + 1), ""WHITE"Molimo Vas unesite username Vašeg prijatelja:", D_CONFIRM, D_CANCEL);
                        case 1:
                            PlayerRefferal{playerid} = REFFERAL_SERVER_LIST;
                            SendServerMessage(playerid, "Okej, izabrali ste "SERVER"listu servera "WHITE"za preporucitelja.");
            Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline playerRefferal, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, va_return(""ORANGE_RED"(%d/4) Kako ste saznali za naš server?", step + 1), ""WHITE"Od prijatelja\nLista servera (Game-State/SACNR Monitor)\nFacebook Grupe\nDrugo", D_CONFIRM, D_CANCEL);
            inline doHash()
            BCrypt_HashInline(PlayerPassword[playerid], 12, using inline doHash);

Hastebin: Look at the line 81

tr1xy commented 4 years ago

I used SendClientMessage and inputtext[0] was Od prijatelja which is dialog's first line (item)

lmao what

EDIT: Could it be that the problem lies here (I used using inline playerRefferal inside inline playerRefferal? I think that it works if I remove that... (not sure, I was testing yesterday so I forgot): Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline playerRefferal, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, va_return(""ORANGE_RED"(%d/4) Refferal", step + 1), ""WHITE"Molimo Vas unesite username Vašeg prijatelja:", D_CONFIRM, D_CANCEL);

EDIT 2: Could be related to #402

tr1xy commented 4 years ago

Yeah, issue confirmed, inputtext somehow interheits the arguments of the dialog's item (DIALOG_STYLE_LIST), Code used:

inline test(id, dialogid, response, listitem, string:inputtext[])
    #pragma unused id, dialogid, response, listitem
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, inputtext);
Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using inline test, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "TITLE", "1\n2\n3\n4", "X", "O");

I selected Second Item and I got 2 in chat

EDIT: AH, Fcking SAMP bugs, this happens in normal ones too smh

You probably can create workaround for this or something like that ?