pawn-lang / YSI-Includes

Just the YSI include files, none of the extra stuff.
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y_malloc\ : #454

Closed ognjenlaaza closed 4 years ago

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago

y_malloc\ : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call

Y-Less commented 4 years ago

How did you include it? Are you on the latest version? y_malloc includes all its dependencies required, including y_prehooks.

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago

I didn't include y_malloc

include < a_samp >

include < SKY >

include < weapon-config >

include < foreach >

include < streamer >

include <YSI_Storage\y_ini>

include <YSI_Coding\y_timers>

include <YSI_Visual\y_commands>

include < sscanf2 >

include < eSelection >

include < mSelection >

include < a_pause >

include < mapandreas >

include < crashdetect >

include < ProgressBar >

include < GhostAC >

include < fly >

include < fuckcleo >

include < altchat >

Y-Less commented 4 years ago

That's a lot of includes. Do you know which ones trigger the error (i.e does removing one stop it)? Are you sure you're on the latest git version, not release?

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago i downloaded ysi from here

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago

CHAIN_HOOK(Malloc) is error

Y-Less commented 4 years ago

I know. I've determined the problem is weapon-config. It recently added prehooks and messed them up. Include it last and this should go away until @ADRFranklin fixes it!

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago

Thank you . :)

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago

YSI\ : warning 237: user warning: Please use #include <YSI_Coding\y_hooks> but there is already that include

ADRFranklin commented 4 years ago

@Y-Less excuse me sir? I messed up? I followed your exact code lol as well as double checked the y_prehooks include to make sure everything was good.

I even asked you in discord to check it, and you said it was fine.

ognjenlaaza commented 4 years ago

Thank you both for improving samp!, i'm from Bosnia And Herzegovina. U are really great ! Thanks for improving SAMP everyday.