pawn-lang / YSI-Includes

Just the YSI include files, none of the extra stuff.
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sampctl & omp-stdlib #635

Closed cpcbnme closed 1 year ago

cpcbnme commented 1 year ago The above line allows you to download the "old" SAMP includes (with sampctl). If you already have the omp-stdlib library in your project, then when you compile with sampctl build it will generate an error for "duplicate files" and it makes sense.

ERROR: Duplicate '' found in both

But if I delete the samp-stdlib folder, when I run sampctl build I got this error:

failed to list dependency include path: /home/x/ open /home/x/ no such file or directory
cpcbnme commented 1 year ago

Nvm, I found a solution.

If someone have "this issue", use this as reference:

"dependencies": [