pawn-lang / compiler

Pawn compiler for SA-MP with bug fixes and new features - runs on Windows, Linux, macOS
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Remove `-Z` #707

Open Y-Less opened 2 years ago

Y-Less commented 2 years ago

Issue description:

-Z was added to fix one single breaking change, namely that of _inc_ auto-generated include guards. However, the need for this is long past; includes have been updated and can deal without those guards. Now the flag just causes more confusion as people seem to think it reverts all non-breaking changes as well, which was never the intention, then get surprised when it doesn't.

Minimal complete verifiable example (MCVE):

Workspace Information:

ghost commented 2 years ago

I deleted a comment I posted earlier because I thought I made a mistake. This was not a mistake after all (shouldn't have looked at it after getting up at 4:15 am :stuck_out_tongue: ) Anyway...

Paths must use backslashes, right? YSI-Includes even forces this (Fatal error 111: user error: Did you use 'YSI/y_hooks' instead of 'YSI\y_hooks'?). On Windows backslashes work fine. Currently running ArchLinux, backslashes do not work so fine.

I can't include my own source files using backslashes in path (err 100). YSI does get included but than nags about that forward slash.

However, When compiling with -Z+ everything possible way works fine (mixing forward and backslashes for my own files, including YSI with either too). Didn't create a seperate issue since I didn't find it really an issue yet (since there's still -Z at the moment). Any idea on this and if not, could this be addressed before -Z is dropped?

In case more information is needed...

Workspace Information:


Imagine the following files (relative to gamemodes):



//Definitions, not relevant

#include "src/"


//Definition checks, set options according to env, etc
//Not relevant even though some compiler options may be altered; issue persists without them)

#define KGM_ENV
#include "src/"

src/ (less imaginary, this is the file as-is (without header comment) (yes, I'm aware I didn't change to slashes back to backslashes yet)

#include <a_samp>
//#undef MAX_SLOTS

//samp, plugins (non YSI includes)
#include <a_mysql>
#include <crashdetect>
#include <filemanager>
#include <samp_bcrypt>
#include <sscanf2>

//YSI includes
    #define YSI_NO_HEAP_MALLOC

#include <YSI_Coding/y_hooks>
#include <YSI_Coding/y_inline>
#include <YSI_Coding/y_timers>
#include <YSI_Coding/y_va>
#include <YSI_Data/y_foreach>
#include <YSI_Players/y_android>
//#include <YSI_Players/y_languages>
//#include <YSI_Players/y_text>
#include <YSI_Visual/y_commands>
#include <YSI_Visual/y_dialog>

//KGM: Utilities
#include "kgm-src/util/"
#include "kgm-src/util/debug/"

//KGM: Base init
#include "kgm-src/run/init/"

#if !defined KGM_CORE
    #error Don't compile the .inc files - Compile the .pwn file under (PROJECT_ROOT)/gamemodes/ instead!