paws-r / paws

Paws, a package for Amazon Web Services in R
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Comparison to `cloudyr` packages, e.g. `aws.s3`? #480

Open kenahoo opened 2 years ago

kenahoo commented 2 years ago

The Related Packages section of the README doesn't mention the AWS R packages I'm most familiar with, the cloudyr packages like aws.signature and aws.s3 and aws.ec2. Do you have any thoughts on comparisons between the two that could go in there? Perhaps any reasons why both are necessary in the world?

adambanker commented 2 years ago

Thank you for submitting this issue. We address the motivations for building paws in #349, so if you have any additional questions about that, I think it would be better to add them there.

As for the Related Packages section of the README, that section lists some of the packages that build on top of paws to provide additional functionality. It is not intended to list all packages that are similar in nature to paws.

kenahoo commented 2 years ago

Thanks, the information in #349 is extremely helpful, and sets me up to understand better why your interfaces will be structured how they are. If you have the inclination, I think that verbiage (perhaps omitting the specific references to the cloudyr stuff) would be really great to add to the main README, since as far as I could tell that's the only (easily findable?) package-level documentation that exists right now.