paws-r / paws

Paws, a package for Amazon Web Services in R
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Invalid presigned S3 URL #806

Closed sluga closed 1 month ago

sluga commented 1 month ago


I'm attempting to generate a presigned URL. I've created an s3 object & verified that it works:

s3_object <-
    credentials = list(
        cred = list(
            access_key_id     = creds$Credentials$AccessKeyId,
            secret_access_key = creds$Credentials$SecretAccessKey,
            session_token     = creds$Credentials$SessionToken
        profile = 'my-profile'
    region = 'my-region'

I then generated a URL via:

s3_url <- s3_object$generate_presigned_url(
    client_method = 'get_object',
    params = list(
        Bucket = "my-bucket",
        Key    = "my-file.json"
    expires_in = 600

This warning was emitted:

Warning message:
In charToRaw(object) : argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored

The URL I got was much longer compared to the URL I got from AWS CLI, about twice the number of characters. And while the AWS CLI URL works, I get the following message when I visit the URL generated by the package:

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. version: 0.6.0

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

DyfanJones commented 1 month ago

What version of paws.common do you have? Plus what region are you using? For Aws cli what signer did you use (v1 or V4)?

sluga commented 1 month ago
DyfanJones commented 1 month ago

Sadly I am unable to replicate this error even when I use eu-west-1 s3 bucket:

By default paws and boto3 use v1 signer to generate urls. However it looks like aws-cli uses v4 as default. I believe this is causing the main issue when comparing aws-cli and paws.

aws --profile paws s3 presign "s3://remove-paws-bucket/demo.txt"
#> [1] ""

client = s3(config(credentials(profile = "paws"), region = "eu-west-1"))

  params = list(
    Bucket = "remove-paws-bucket", Key = "demo.txt"
  expires_in = 600
#> [1] ""

Created on 2024-07-19 with reprex v2.1.1

>>> import boto3
... client = boto3.Session(profile_name = "paws", region_name = "eu-west-1").client("s3")
... client.generate_presigned_url(
...   "get_object",
...   Params = {
...     "Bucket": "remove-paws-bucket", "Key": "demo.txt"
...   },
...   ExpiresIn = 600
... )

To get the v4 signer you need to specify it in the client, this is similar to boto3.


client = s3(config(credentials(profile = "paws"), region = "eu-west-1", signature_version = "s3v4"))

  params = list(
    Bucket= "remove-paws-bucket", Key = "demo.txt"
  expires_in = 600
#> [1] ""

Created on 2024-07-19 with reprex v2.1.1

>>> import boto3
>>> import boto3
... from botocore.config import Config
... client = boto3.Session(profile_name = "paws", region_name = "eu-west-1").client("s3", config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'))
... client.generate_presigned_url(
...   "get_object",
...   Params = {
...     "Bucket": "remove-paws-bucket", "Key": "demo.txt"
...   },
...   ExpiresIn = 600
... )

From this you should see that paws and boto3 v4 signer looks alot similar to aws-cli presign url. I hope this helps :)

sluga commented 1 month ago

Thanks @DyfanJones, that worked!

(I did look for signature settings before but I was looking in the wrong place (?s3_generate_presigned_url))