payara / Payara

Payara Server is an open source middleware platform that supports reliable and secure deployments of Java EE (Jakarta EE) and MicroProfile applications in any environment: on premise, in the cloud or hybrid.
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MQ log level bug #1659

Closed z-mathe closed 6 years ago

z-mathe commented 7 years ago


After migrating our remote enhanced (HA) broker cluster from Open MQ 4.5.2 Patch 1 (in Glassfish 3.1.2) to MQ 5.1.1 (in Payara 172), we experienced, that the log file (\mq\instances[instance-name]\log\log.txt) is full of INFO level messages too, even though there is a line imq.log.level=WARNING in the (\props\ folder, originated from previous configuration).

But if we query the broker properties, the running level value is INFO:

imqcmd query bkr -b host:port ... ... Log Level       INFO Log Rollover Interval (seconds) Log Rollover Size (bytes) Successfully queried the broker.

The same config with MQ 4.5.2 results the WARNING as running value. Reading the documentation (, we tried the above settings, but running level left INFO too: imq.log.file.output=WARNING|ERROR

If we start the Payara with embedded MQ, the dynamically created (under \imq\ folder) template same as the older version's (e.g. MQ 4.x) configuration tepmplate (not just for logging settings).

The only one workaround is the imqbrokerd.exe -loglevel WARNING command line parameter (because this option overrides the default INFO running level).


fturizo commented 7 years ago

@z-mathe, before trying to reproduce the issue. How are you configuring the broker cluster on your environment? How are you referencing the JMS host configuration on your Payara installation?

z-mathe commented 7 years ago

Hi Fabio,

Sorry, the MQ broker cluster environment is absolutely independent from Payara domain configuration, you dont need to start appserver for reproducing (practically REMOTE type, but we still use parallel inprocess EMBEDDED configuartion in Payara to achieve the "useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer" feature for topic subscriptions and lookup from code to the not configured remote instances, so the embedded instances not in use, but this is a long story, it is not related to this case).

imqbroker start command (modified with loglevel parameter as workaround) on 2 server nodes: \bin\imqbrokerd.exe -silent -force -name instance_x -vmargs "some_mem_args" -loglevel WARNING

\mq\etc\imqenv.conf (original +java home): IMQ_DEFAULT_JAVAHOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_131

\mq\instances\instance_x\props\ (with many cluster, port and MSSQL server jdbc persistence parameters, and with the ineffective log level option): imq.log.level=WARNING

z-mathe commented 7 years ago

The cluster properties (although I do not think this is important):

smillidge commented 6 years ago

Is this reproducible on a newly installed Payara environment?

z-mathe commented 6 years ago

I will try it with a v174 on this week. OK?

z-mathe commented 6 years ago

Reproduction steps:

I tried even now with GF 3.1.2 (MQ4.5.2), and the above scenario resulting: Log Level: WARNING.

smillidge commented 6 years ago

So this is an issue with an OpenMQ external broker rather than Payara Server?

z-mathe commented 6 years ago

Yes, so I suppose this announcement should be made for OpenMQ developers ( :(

smillidge commented 6 years ago

We provide support for OpenMQ to customers as it is part of Payara Server. However the code with the issue isn't in this GitHub repo. The OpenMQ code has migrated to the Eclipse Foundation as part of the migration to JakartaEE. You can raise the issue on their repo the Payara team have a committer on that project as well.