payara / Payara_PatchedProjects

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QACI-396 Payara 4 Fails to retrieve dependency #321

Closed MarkWareham closed 4 years ago

MarkWareham commented 4 years ago

Adds missing pom

MarkWareham commented 4 years ago

Missing additional metadata, Maven may still fail to resolve and download this, particularly when using the -U option. install:install-file is intended for local use only, you should use deploy:deploy-file with the -DaltDeploymentRepository setting as documented in Confluence.

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///path/to/Payara_PatchedProjects -DartifactId=batch-connector-manpage -Dversion=4.1.151 -Dfile=/path/to/ -Dpackaging=zip

Documentation used old maven format, but I have run a similar command with the same outcome