payara / ecosystem-support

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Cannot setup payara server #1

Closed zliu13286 closed 3 years ago

zliu13286 commented 3 years ago

VScode: 1.53.1 on MacOS Big Sur. Payara 5.2

Always stuck at step 4: select an exist domain. I can't select domain1 and can't go through, also tried with add new domain, also not working.

cerasmus commented 3 years ago

Bump. Same experience with VS Code on Windows 10. The Payara extension does not complete step 4 to select an existing domain and I'm unable to finish adding a Payara server.

Version info: Version: 1.53.2 (user setup) OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19041 Payara extension v1.0.0

VS Code workspaces: Using WSL 2 with Ubuntu 20.04 Workspace - Fails Using Windows 10 Workspace - Succeeds

tiagomistral commented 3 years ago

Same problem :(

Version info: VS Code: 1.53.2 (user setup) OS: Windows 10 Home Payara extension v1.0.0

vgjokaj commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem using VS Code 1.54.3 and Payara 5.2021.1 in Ubuntu 20.04.

MeroRai commented 3 years ago

Hi, I was able to successfully register Payara Server in VS Code 1.54,3 using Payara Server 5.2021 in Windows 10. Just make sure when you are selecting the Payara Server location, the directory structure is as the following: $YOUR_PAYARA_INSTALLTION/payara5.

vgjokaj commented 3 years ago

Hi @MeroRai. I selected the right location "$PAYRA_INSTALLATION/payara5", otherwise if I select a wrong directory, then I get the following error in VS Code "Selected Payara Server path is invalid.".

rgrashel commented 3 years ago

Did anybody get this to work? I get this same thing on Amazon Linux 2. Choose the directory and then on step 4/4 go to choose domain1 and it won't select it and the plus button won't function. The server entry can't be created. I'm not sure why this issue is closed. It doesn't work.

raman777 commented 3 years ago

... way more not usable now with version 1.1.0 of the plugin (with 1.0.0, I ran into the same situation as described above) ...


My environment: Win10, VsCode 1.57.1, Java 11

user790235692 commented 2 years ago

... way more not usable now with version 1.1.0 of the plugin (with 1.0.0, I ran into the same situation as described above) ...

  • really nothing opens after pressing the plus button in payara servers (no dialog, no input field)
  • an error shows up when issuing the command "add payara server": "Command Payara: Add payara server resulted in an error (command payara.server.add not found)"


My environment: Win10, VsCode 1.57.1, Java 11

Same issue here.

f-gozie commented 2 years ago

So, I've been having this same problem, but I came across a fix on one of these threads. Firstly, toggle your developers console using Help > Toggle Developer Tools > Console, then try adding the domain. In my case, I could see an error saying my Java path wasn't properly set, so I edited my .bashrc file to point to the right direction. Not sure if this solution applies to everyone but it's worth a shot.

miguel-martin commented 2 years ago

@f-gozie answer helped me to solve the issue. It was indeed due to JAVA_HOME not being correctly set.

In case you are using bash, put this in your .bash_profile

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 8`

Then run: source .bash_profile

Close and open VSC again.

Chaitanya052002 commented 7 months ago

My all paths in environment variable of my windows was correct and still was facing same problem of "not able to click domain name" in vscode payara extension.

However i changed the java.home and values in settings.json in settings section of vscode to my required java path example : "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11".