payara / ecosystem-support

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Bug Report: jaeger-tracer-lib 1.1-SNAPSHOT not compatible with Payara 5.2021.4 #27

Closed jefrajames closed 1 year ago

jefrajames commented 3 years ago


When using jaeger-tracer-lib 1.1-SNAPSHOT with Payara Micro 5.2021.4, no such method error on occurs at runtime.

According to my tests, it works with previous Payara versions: 5.194, 5.201, 5.2020.7.

It seems that the OpenTracing version used by Payara 5.2021.4 is not compatible with jaeger-tracer-lib 1.1-SNAPSHOT (probably io.jaegertracing 0.30.6).

Expected Outcome

OpenTracing messages should be sent to the configured Jaeger instance.

Current Outcome

A runtime error occurs and no trace is sent to Jaeger.

Here is stack trace describing the issue when generating a trace: StandardWrapperValve[org.jefrajames.smartbank.config.JAXRSConfiguration]: Servlet.service() for servlet org.jefrajames.smartbank.config.JAXRSConfiguration threw exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io/opentracing/; (loaded from file:/var/folders/c_/bnsc1b511hn7d6tz5vxc61gw0000gn/T/payaramicro-rt18362290624374404426tmp/runtime/opentracing-repackaged.jar by fish.payara.micro.boot.loader.ExplodedURLClassloader@9179f981) called from class io.jaegertracing.internal.JaegerTracer (loaded from file:/Users/powerj/javadev/demo/bjug-2021/bin/./payara-dir/lib/jaeger-tracer-lib-1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar by fish.payara.micro.boot.loader.ExplodedURLClassloader@9179f981)


rdebusscher commented 2 years ago

Hi Jean-Francois,

Now that we have update both Payara Community and Enterprise, we have an updated version of this Jaeger Integration. See

Regards Rudy

fturizo commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue due to inactivity.