payara / ecosystem-support

Placeholder repository to handle community requests for the Payara Platform ecosystem tools
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Bug Report: Cannot add Payara Server to Eclipse IDE #43

Closed hendrelouw73 closed 2 years ago

hendrelouw73 commented 2 years ago


During the creation of a new server on Eclipse, the add and remove software dialogue is displayed with no applications listed and no path forward to complete the installation. This is a fresh install of Payara.

Expected Outcome

Installed Payara server on Eclipse.

Current Outcome

Cannot install the Payara server on Eclipse.

Steps to reproduce

A new server is added under the Servers tab. Payara is selected as the server type. The Payara location and Java location are entered. Then the empty Add and Remove dialogue (the same dialogue that is used to add and remove projects from a server) is displayed with no applications to choose from and the next and finish buttons disabled.

Screenshot from 2022-04-08 11-24-18


Payara 5 Open JDK 17 Ubuntu

fturizo commented 2 years ago

Moving over this issue to the ecosystem support project since this seems to be related to the Eclipse Dev Tools package.

JamesHillyard commented 2 years ago

Hi @hendrelouw73,

I am unable to reproduce this issue using Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers 2022-03 and the latest version of Payara Tools for Eclipse. Could you please give more details on how to reproduce this issue?

Thanks, James

hendrelouw73 commented 2 years ago

Thank you @JamesHillyard. Upgrading to the latest versions resolved my issue.