payara / ecosystem-support

Placeholder repository to handle community requests for the Payara Platform ecosystem tools
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Enhancement: Add bundle config property that allows custom libs to be available at server boot time / FISH-6305 #47

Open CarlosMOGoncalves opened 2 years ago

CarlosMOGoncalves commented 2 years ago


Hello friends,

With this issue I am requesting for a new configuration property to be added to the Payara Micro Maven Plugin, more specifically to the bundle goal.

The purpose of this proposed config property would be to define one or more jars that would be added to MICRO-INF/runtime directory within the generated bundle (or any other directory that would allow the bootstrap main class to have access to these immediatly at boot time).

The reasons for this are:

Expected Outcome

A new configuration property to be defined on the bundle goal, like <runtimeLibs> or other name, which would allow for the definition of GAV coordinates that would include any jars declared into the MICRO-INF/runtime folder (or any other folder that can be added to classpath at boot) on the final microbundle generated.

Alteranatively, a flag property on customJar like <addToClasspath> which would add the declared jar to MICRO-INF/runtime, instead of MICRO-INF/lib, again included in the final microbundle.

Current Outcome


The main reason that drove to this enhancement proposal arose from this isse I have created here #5708 but also from another one #4546 with a similar problem.

I believe that this a much needed feature because logging frequently needs to be tweaked for several purposes, namely using custom formats to convey to any cloud standard (think logging to stdout instead of the default stderr, for exemple).

While I would argue that logging features would greatly benefit from being expanded on Payara as a whole, this solution would be a very good workaround because it would allow for JUL extensions to be developed and deployed on Payara with relative ease.

Also, despite this being specific for Maven plugin I would imagine that the folks that use Gradle could also benefit from it.


Ecosystem Tool

JamesHillyard commented 2 years ago

Hi @CarlosMOGoncalves,

Thank you very much for creating a detailed enhancement request,

I have raised an internal issue FISH-6305 to address this enhancement. We always encourage you to contribute, so if you wish you can submit a PR to implement this improvement and we will gladly review it. Otherwise, we will pick up the issue at some point in the future.

Thanks, James

CarlosMOGoncalves commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot @JamesHillyard ,

I really look forward for news regarding this matter and I hope you will find it useful as well.

CarlosMOGoncalves commented 1 year ago

Hello @JamesHillyard , I just wanted to check whether the Payara team have considered this development? Thanks!