payara / ecosystem-support

Placeholder repository to handle community requests for the Payara Platform ecosystem tools
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Bug Report: Payara eclipse plugin isn't able to develop Jakarta EE 10 projects with Payara 6 runtime or deploy them on Payara 6/FISH-7888 #76

Open stalb opened 9 months ago

stalb commented 9 months ago

Brief Summary

On eclipse JEE 2023-09 with Payara Eclipse IDE Plugin and Payara 6.2023.8 runtime I'm unable to select Jakarta EE 9 or 10 facets for my Jakarta EE projects.

If I create a Jakarte EE 10 project, using for example Dymanic Web Module 5.0 or 6.0 (Jakarta EE Servlet 5.0 or 6.0) then I'm not able from eclipse to deploy it on my Payara 6.2023.8 server.

Expected Outcome

I should be able with a Payara 6.2023.8 runtime to create and develop Jakarta EE 9 or 10 projects (using Servlet 6.0 or EJB 4.0),. When I have such project I should be able to deploy it using eclipse UI on a Payara 6.2023.8 server.

Current Outcome

Actually the only facet I can choose a are the one bellow Jakarta EE 8. Only the projets which use this facets can be deployed on on Paraya servers.


Jakarta EE 10 project creation:

  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 2023-09
  2. Install Payara tools using the market place
  3. Install Payara 6
  4. Create a Payara 6 runtime and server
  5. Try to create Dynamic Web Project with Payara runtime: only choose facet version bellow 4.0

Jakarta EE 10 project deployment:

  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 2023-09
  2. Install Payara tools using the market place
  3. Install Payara 6
  4. Create a Jakarta EE 10 dynamic web project (using maven, gradle or wildfly runtime)
  5. Try to deploy it on the Payara 6 server using eclipse ui: you won't be able to do it.

Operating System

windows 11 education

JDK Version

jdk zulu 17

Ecosystem Tool

Eclipse IDE Plugin

felixif commented 8 months ago

Hello @stalb,

I have checked the issue with the Eclipse Payara Tools Plugin. As you reported, Dynamic Web Project 5.0 or 6.0 is unavailable when selecting the Payara runtime, and deployment is not working as intended. I have raised an internal issue FISH-7888, the developers acknowledged the bug, and it is going to be fixed in due course.

Thank you for your contribution to the project with this bug report!

Best regards, Felix