The indices of the AppliedTaxes array of the Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address objects need to be the VAT id's.
In the Pay_Pa...al_Paymentcharge::collect the indices are numbered. This causes that if (isset($ratesIdQuoteItemId[$id])) in function Mage_Tax_Model_Observer::salesEventOrderAfterSave fails and then the Sales_Order_Tax_Item models are not created. This causes various problems throughout the system. We noticed that the VAT summary created by Fooman PDCustomiser was not complete.
Using the Github web editor introduced a newline at the end of the file.
The indices of the AppliedTaxes array of the Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address objects need to be the VAT id's.
In the
the indices are numbered. This causes thatif (isset($ratesIdQuoteItemId[$id]))
in functionMage_Tax_Model_Observer::salesEventOrderAfterSave
fails and then the Sales_Order_Tax_Item models are not created. This causes various problems throughout the system. We noticed that the VAT summary created by Fooman PDCustomiser was not complete.Using the Github web editor introduced a newline at the end of the file.