payola / Payola

RDF framework
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Link/node graph does not correspond to the triple list for CONSTRUCT query #53

Open svatek opened 10 years ago

svatek commented 10 years ago

Analysis returns for each business entity (bidder) three triples: type (gr:BusinessEntity), year (of entity registration) and count (of public contracts). However, a link/node graph (circle, tree etc.) only links a single business entity resource to gr:BusinessEntity. Other business entities are wrongly linked, by rdf:type links, to entities corresponding to years. See example in screenshot: the business entity in upper-left is linked by the ex:year property to year 1992, and, wrongly, by the rdf:type property to year 2003. payola-issue

kudlondr commented 10 years ago

The graph visualization (circle, tree) does not modify graph at all (the analysis result), the same as Triple table. This might be a bug. Could you, please, share a copy of the analysis with me (my user name is kudl.ondr at The analysis at the link, you have posted, is probably private, thus I can not access it.

svatek commented 10 years ago

Sorry, it was private indeed (though for the admin account, which I used then). Now shared to kudl.ondr.

kudlondr commented 10 years ago

Thank you.

Yes, it's definitely a bug. The problem is, that the graph does not consist of only one discrete component. I will fix it.