paypal / SeLion

Enabling Test Automation in Java
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to launch the app from HTTP URL path #111

Closed pearlselvan closed 9 years ago

pearlselvan commented 9 years ago

Unable to launch the app from HTTP URL path .

Below is the SeLion code snapshot using appium as mobile node type

public class SeLionConsumerApp { private static final String appFolder = "http://seliongrid:4444/grid/admin/TransferServlet/release/"; @MobileTest(appPath = appFolder, device = "iphone:8.1", deviceType = "iPhone Simulator") @Test public void testNativeApp() throws InterruptedException { } }


org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Bad app: /Users/mselvansr/Documents/workspace/GridValidation/http:/ App paths need to be absolute, or relative to the appium server install dir, or a URL to compressed file, or a special app name. cause: Error: ENOENT, stat '/Users/mselvansr/Documents/workspace/GridValidation/http:/http://seliongrid:4444/grid/admin/TransferServlet/consumervenice/') (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or timeout: 25 milliseconds

Required to add support for using HTTP URL path in SeLion's appPath Mobile Test Annotation

squash-merge commented 9 years ago

Fixed in commit id ec507e3823569ebf6c1b11879930b871cfe4a034

mach6 commented 9 years ago

this is fixed