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[INVALID] Issue with embeded saucelabs url in report #266

Closed mach6 closed 8 years ago

mach6 commented 8 years ago

SeLion will embed a saucelabs url in the report when running against sauce. The current url is String.format("", sessionid, encodedToken); which seems to be incorrect according to -

mach6 commented 8 years ago

Update: the old path /jobs still works too.

Code in question:

Perhaps the issue I was seeing is when SeLion is running through the SeLion Enhanced Grid with -type sauce.. trying this...

mach6 commented 8 years ago

Well, I can't reproduce the issue with SeLion Enhanced Grid (-type sauce) either.. This might be an invalid issue that I initially saw here. Will close this after some more digging, if that ends up being the case.

mach6 commented 8 years ago

issue here was the selenium host was not actually sauce and the config parameter -DSELION_SELENIUM_USE_SAUCELAB_GRID=true was used. This produced an invalid sauce report link, as it should