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Random errors when processing transactions against sandbox #211

Closed hb-tpfister closed 6 years ago

hb-tpfister commented 6 years ago


during development and testing with mocked data I am getting weird errors when processing transactions against the sandbox environments. The following three examples capture what kinds of errors I am running into.

correlationID: - 
code: 600000
domain: retail
message: "Downstream REST response has no entity to read"
debugID: -

correlationID: 24fae95b5e560 
code: 500
domain: retail
message: "domain: retail, code: 500, message: , debugId: , details: "
debugID: - 

correlationID: 35a7b2d7c8110
code: 580022
domain: retail
message: "empty TxnId&PPAPI RC: 10536&Pimp RC: 3204&AuthCode: null&ResponseCode: null"
debugID: a6883ae8b7a56

As the mocked calls are identical and I do get successful transactions I am wondering why sometimes there are these errors. So far I have not been able to see a pattern.

Any input would be helpful.

Thanks, Thorsten

DJ92 commented 6 years ago


Can I get more details about the flow that you are testing (Sale/Auth & capture)? Which merchant is this for? Upon initial lookup, the 3rd one looks like a timeout error.

hb-tpfister commented 6 years ago


thanks for the quick response. Sure, I'm testing Sale/Auth (no capture). I'm not sure what merchant data you need to make identification simple for you, can you please point me in a direction? To give you an example correlationID of a working test 7e419d308cc6b,89ac06302d1c2. I'm doing that one as a sanity check and encounter the above errors.


DJ92 commented 6 years ago

We're investigating this. Thanks for reporting.

DJ92 commented 6 years ago

Quick update, this has been fixed for all payment types except MasterCard as of this morning.

hb-tpfister commented 6 years ago
